
Revenge!!! For Joan!!!

Fixedthe Fernback

Good luck! :)

Last night I made a  lentil loaf cause the BF and I were craving a meatloaf kind of dinner. We topped it with a tomato-ketchupy-balsamicy glaze. It was scrumptuous! If ya'll ever need good veggie recipes look no further than theppk.com

Every time something is posted about Tim Heidecker, people feel the need to make a post to let everyone else know how unfunny they find him. But it's getting kind of old. We get it, they're type of humor is divisive. No one is forcing you to like them. Although, if you haven't seen On Cinema, you should give it a try.

yeah its pretty amazing. this app will hold me over until the next season

Or as she liked to be called, "Grimey"

@avclub-9582a4486a56b2b30d8125d7c0701b8a:disqus You have to watch the End of Evangelion film. Gainax ran out of funding and thus, made an ending which left a LOT of people angry at the time. Hideaki Anno even received death threats from people who were mad at the ending (he shows some of them in End of Eva). The film

Of all shows, definitely watch Venture Bros. The film season's animation is a little rough, but by season 4 its painstakingly beautiful and stark, with an amazing ensemble of characters & writing.

Needs an appearance from the Jeff GoldBluman Group

@avclub-fff4ac4c2f46e5cd75ec8b515c235031:disqus I didn't "start it" in a sense I'm looking for some lame fight, so again your condescension is unneeded. Especially considering I never once said people are being brainwashed into spending their money. My point was that established artists are mining fans for projects

Yeah, addiction and dependence on substances, totally a choice and not a disease. How dare she die from a disease??

"liiivvvvinnngg cheeeseeee…."

Yes - I think this is what I was getting at, down to its essence/thesis/whatever. Thanks for sharing this

@avclub-ad8d3a0a0f0a084a97fad357c649438c:disqus  I didn't say the money had to go towards charity. Again, I am not arguing that people can't spend money how they choose or that they don't have free will with their own money.  I'm just pointing out how the nature of Kickstarter, and the dynamic between fans/creators of

That's great. And I appreciate the condescension. I realize 100% that people have free will. But what I am saying, and what people are not grasping, is that Kickstarter could easily become just a site for well known entities/celebrities abusing their fanbases to get money for anything, because they know their fans

The problem is that these artists are established, have the means, and have the connections. I guess when Kickstarter first came out, it was championed as this interesting platform for indepedent artists/creators/designers to get their projects in the air, from just a concept to a reality.

Being vegan, there are some dishes I think back to and wish I could have again. This includes vegetable korma, usually from Indian takeout places. Well this weekend I made the version from Post Punk Kitchen, and it was absolutely amazing, exactly like the way I remember it. For the cream base, the recipe uses cashew

Some people are really abusing KickStarter to the point that I think they actually ruined a good thing. Veronica Mars, that shitty Penny Arcade one which was apparently just to take down ads FOR ONE YEAR, and now this crapfest. It's almost like a test to see how brand-able they are and how loyal their fans are through

Agree - it would be so heartbreaking and totally change the tone of some of their songs for me.