
@avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7:disqus Totally agree - I think you described her the way I was seeing her, without even knowing. I like to give all people (even her poem's subject) the benefit of the doubt - I mean, all people with tragedy in their own way and are indeed allowed to. But something about this

It just seems like she has mastered the art of living off the fumes of her controversies. She must've known she would get a million upset responses. If you look at her responses/Twitter/etc its all retweets from people affirming her right to be an ~artiste~. I think it leaves the rest of us pretty speechless

Holy hell. Greg turkington is Neil Hamburger?!?!?! My mind is BLOWN.

I've seen it at Trader Joe's, if theres one by you

I need to spread the word on how amazing this show is. I watched them all in one sitting because they're just that good. I give the show five bags of popcorn!

Rolo tony brown town

If anyone is still reading these comments, if you love Tim and Eric, check out Tim's show/podcast Cinema On Cinema. It's basically a really crummy version of a  Siskel & Ebert morning-type movie review show, except him and his guest (Greg Turkington) basically love everything and give everything good reviews. I wish I

Where are you seeing them? I'm seeing them at the Welmont in Montclair NJ on May 16. Also, I'm a bit worried as I heard they've toned  down a lot of their crazyness for their more subdued record. I've seen them twice before so I'm okay with the change but I'm taking a friend who has never seen them before and I'm

Yes! My professor argued R&J as a comedy as well - as if Shakespeare wants you to see that this love is a comment on all young love - that is, kind of silly in its over-the-top seriousness. I mean, the two only hook up ONCE in the entire play, and the scene following their hookup, they make up reasons why they can't

I like this idea that Don's backstory shows signs of a future criminal/serial murderer, as opposed to a successful adman - but rather than thinking that this backstory is a little too dark for Don, perhaps it is just the right kind of backstory that would propel a business man. Kind of similar to American Psycho -

Now that I think about it, the conversation he has with the doctor about how does it feel about being a doctor and the doctor responds that he feels good because the patients trust them, is really on the nose.

I don't think he was crying so much as the shoeshiner's death triggered his sadness for his mother's death. I think he realized in that moment that people are dying, are going to die, and that he will too. Like he said to the therapist, he is now at that point in his life where he will just begin to lose things. The

It's still manipulative and shitty though, no? You can be an adult and discuss something without feeling the need to bargain something else.


I usually love reading AV Club analysis of shows, but their past analysis on anything Always Sunny related has always been the worst for me. How can people possibly over-analyze this show as much as this site has? Did we really need x amount of the staff to analyze a giant joke musical episode? Seemed kind of the

Yeah, she actually recorded "Oops" with 808 State around the break-up time of the Sugarcubes, which subsequently led to her interest in house/pop music. I think this may be why Debut is a hybrid of jazzy music (like Gling Glo, another solo album recorded WHILE she was in the Sugarcubes, even before Debut), and poppy

Yes indeed - although the MS doesn't go away and my family is still feeling aftershocks from everything, things seem to be getting better and better, and I need to get myself going on that start-hole. I've been saying this quote is relevant to me since the song came out (2011) which shows you how long its taken.

You're sweet, thanks :)

The last three years were hard for me, as my Dad has MS and my mom had like, three strokes (she's ok now after a heart surgery in 2012), and I was working a lot and not really doing things to make me happy - and on top of that, I was helping my parents but I also felt like otherwise I'd actively avoid them to get away

Agreed - I think they didn't know what to do with her during season 5, which is a shame. I think partly it was because she was pregnant, but I had heard she clashed with Weiner. Either way, Betty is one of the most interesting characters, but they didn't delve into her as much for season 5.