
I don't know - just because she gets what she wanted, doesn't mean she should be happy. Don got what he wanted, another wife (Megan), a stabilizer to his bad traits. But by the end of season 5. we KNOW his opinions of her have slowly transformed. He may very well end up where he started in season 4. I think having

Exactly! Never before in my life had I watched a show which featured a woman who wasn't defined by her romantic relationships OR her typical "girlfriend" friendships, but by her actual, internal mental struggles. She was pulled by personal problems and personal convictions, by her past mistakes and her dreams of a

So glad this is up. Love hearing Mike White's writing process for what has become one of my all-time favorite shows. It was the first time a show became one of my favorites because of just how smartly written it was. Amy's character was so scarily similar to me, and even my sister, like some hybrid of us two, that it

Well according to my boyfriend, it depends on the movie. Some films were only released as certain versions of laserdisc. Also a lot of laserdiscs have special features which were not re-released with the DVD versions of the same movies. He's a huge animation person, and for animation laserdiscs, there are a lot of

There are sooo many misconceptions about rabbits. The first is that they like cages or hutches, which couldn't be further from the truth. Yes, you should have a cage for them so they have a kind of "home" but really, rabbits need exercise ALL day. They actually love to run/hop around, and not just sit all day.

So twee, so precious

Where's your permission slip Mr. Noblet?

Vicki, time and again, you've convinced me. Lena Dunham is actually Jesus Christ, our lord and savior. Our messiah has come, in the form of a neurotic jewish hipster!

Need that sweet, sweet hate drug

Yeah, I agree with you. I realize Season 2 had a neat package bow-tied ending, but it wasn't the right fit for Amy or the other characters. We really need to see the repercussions, and how she deals with those repercussions.

Is there an echo in here?

@avclub-28b1819668d7c62501acb9852cad10a9:disqus  Sexual assault can happen in relationships. You're a fucking asshole

That is awesome - I'd love to see Jeff solo sometime. He does a few songs that I love based solely on some recordings I have of those songs, like Radio King (which led me to Golden Smog, etc), Family Gardener.

I love RHP, you're so lucky. It sounds like Mark to not show up or be sick and want to cancel

Also I have another good example that makes me happy when I think about it so  I want to share: that same show where Wilco played More Like The Moon, some guy in the crowd between songs kept yelling "Dreamer in my Dreams!!!" which is a great but kind of goofy song from the end of Being There. Towards the end of the

I saw her on that tour too and it was definitely a big deal that she did I Miss You. I love the video you posted, the people in it are going absolutely ape-shit, but its sweet!

That sounds awesome. One time I saw the Flaming Lips and they covered Borderline with Stardeath & White Dwarfs. Its actually really good. You can find the cover on youtube but the live version sounded so much more sonic and fun.

Dijur, your response is definitely what I was going for with the question. I feel like often when you  see a band, you hope and pray they'll play some song that means a lot to you or you dig but which isn't always the biggest crowd pleaser. When they do perform a song of theirs or do something just as unique you feel

Yay!! Thanks for using my AV Q&A suggestion. Now I can gloat all day to my friends about how significant I feel only to have them have no idea why the hell this means anything.