
You really want retro, my boyfriend is a technology freak, and one time in a record store, I pointed out what to me looked like an Indian Jones soundtrack on vinyl, but turned out to be a LASERDISC. He hasn't looked back since. He's a serious freak about these things, and they take up a lot of room in our apartment.

Yeah I love Mark Kozelek's music but he seems really out of touch with his fans which is a big shame, because people adore his entire body of music (Red House Painters to Sun Kil Moon to his solo stuff), me included. He seems like the kind of person to say, oh, you like this old RHP song? Well instead I'm going to


Don't say stuff like that. You probably are talented. She just has a shit ton of hype surrounding her and a support system most people can't touch.

There's a great documentary about pinball called "Special When Lit" which reminds me of Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Its similar in that as it tells the story of something simple (but which brings joy to people), the film makers chose extremely interesting, in-depth shots of the machines, especially while being played. Those

Grill Vogel's Business Hugs

I think what made the Hangover II so extraordinarily bad as an unnecessary sequel wasn't just that it was literally the same movie as the original  but that they used the exact same EVERYTHING from the first one. The same slo-mo opening with a slo-mo rock song, same constant use of a Kanye West  song, same speed up of

Your wife sounds super cool. That memory is amazing - definitely need to try that tactic someday.

I find that so funny. You'd expect that kind of cereal here, but not over there. They also had a few other candy cereals like Lion bar and Nesquik (I know there used to be Nesquik cereal in the US like 10 years ago). I did notice Nestle was basically everywhere in Paris.

Yeah. DisneyWorld is pretty awesome.

My boyfriend & I just got back from our trip (London & Paris), and I can report with happiness that eating vegan abroad was super easy and wonderful. London was a lot more accommodating (veg options everywhere. We also ate at this amazing place called Mildred's where I had vegan mushroom ale pie!). Paris took a bit

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus I don't think they've release it officially. I think the best you'll find is on Youtube (I found this one here: http://www.youtube.com/watc… I just remember them performing it as part of an acoustic mid-show set and really appreciating the song more in this form!

I'm a huge SBS defender. I think its a gorgeous, summery album  with wonderful depth. Some of Tweedy's most personal songs seem to be on the album, as well (Sky Blue Sky, Either Way, Please Be Patient With Me). Wilco The Album is the only album of theirs that I never felt like re-visiting (which is kind of funny, as

Hahah! No, I swear, he walked RIGHT by me. It was definitely complete serendipity, considering I was just getting tea with a friend after class.

Man in the Sand was an odd film to watch, but I'm glad they documented it. I love the scene where Tweedy does some weird yoga back poses/kicks his legs. And the scene at the end when he is singing "Another Man's Done Gone" is beautiful.

I have that Feb 15  poster hanging up in my apartment (thought I haven't been to these shows, ever). I'd do anything to hear them perform The Lonely 1 (its the first Wilco song I  ever heard, which made me really get into them)

the acoustic version of Spiders is great too!

I don't even know if I can do a number, but here we go (by album):

Absolutely. I think we think of Jay Bennett in a tragic sense, I mean, especially post-posthumously. But in context of the time, he saw Wilco as a forum for him to experiment with music in a way that interested him exclusively. People painted Tweedy as wanting to have the entire band to himself, but I think it was

I met Nels Cline randomly on  the street in New York. I was walking down 13th street and  he came bobbing down the other way (he's hella tall). I couldn't help it and said hey, and said how his music means a lot to me, and he was really nice and shook my hand. One of the coolest moments of my life.