
Yeah, what weird timing! I just read a reply to my comment on that thread, and went to go listen to "Cars Can't Escape." As I was listening to it, I clicked on AV Club and saw this article.

I wish I didn't just blow a bunch of money to see Bjork in Paris, cause I would totally go to Chicago, as she and J-New are my two favorites of all time. I saw Joanna Newsom during Ys as well, and it was so amazing. I also saw her during Have One on Me and it was just as good!

It'd be great if she could get Lonely Island involved, like a 15 minute bro-rap with harps and Van Dyke Parks arrangements.

If you pick up I am Trying to Break Your Heart, I highly recommend the double disc DVD. The extras on the second disc are great, even over an hour of extra performances. Also the movie is worth it just to hear "Cars Can't Escape," one of my favorite Wilco b-sides.

Everyone should hear T.S. Eliot reading it on YouTube, it's extraordinarily creepy and beautiful all at once: http://www.youtube.com/watc… (you can also find portions of The Wasteland)

Sorry to keep posting but I do love poetry a lot. I wanted to also mention another modern-ish poem I love, Frank O'Hara's "Having a Coke With You." The best is his reading of it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Love Les Murray! I also love Louise Gluck. I'm also sad to say my professor shared this wonderful Australian writer who I can't remember the name of now, who was an indigenous woman, who wrote really moving poetry.

Thank you so much for mentioning Seamus Heaney, one of my absolute all time favorite poets. One of my favorites of his, and possibly of all poetry, is "Blackberry Picking":

Another excellent Hughes poem involving rivers, "Bitter River"

Tasha, I understand your deep desire to see this short! I am so desperate to go to the Ghibli museum that for the past three years I've been slowly accruing enough mileage points to get round trip tickets to Japan for me and my boyfriend. I'm over half way there, and the points expire next year, so hopefully soon!

Something about the way the band name is spelled reminds me of the kind of passive aggressive text you'd see a really laid back/bro-y boyfriend text to their over anxious girlfriend. Example:

matcha rice krispees sounds awesome!

My boyfriend had a shit day last week so I made him a massive vegan lasagna with garlicly kale, and sauteed zucchinis/mushrooms, and layered the lasagna with said veggies/cashew tofu ricotta and daiya. It was massive and we ate it over the week!

well Mr. Mare…get a listen to THAT Spin Doctors mix!

Predictions of the future ones are so funny. I was thinking of some animes that this pertains to, like Akira and Evangelion. Both seemed pretty sure we'd have a pretty desolate future by 2005.

I thought the award was more for the art/design? M/M Paris (the art directors) were in charge of the general aesthetic/designs of the Biophilia packages. Definitely incredible visions…Bjork has collaborated with M/M Paris since Vespertine, but Biophilia's art/aesthetic is some of her best. The cover & promo photos

What about Wilco's "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart"? I always saw it as a story about feeling disconnected in the world, and having fleeting moments/hook-ups that never turn in to anything else. The narrator deliberately does this, thus, purposely hurting the person they go with.

I'd also liken it to being gimmicky by now. When I started watching the show, I thought the nudity was a really wonderful added layer of realism that definitely gave us an entry way into seeing these characters as people who could actually exist. But then the constant praise, mixed with people saying that the

I think I read last week here that the majority of people who watch this show are older and male. I know very few people my age (23-24, post college, female) who genuinely like this show. Most of my friends love really surreal stuff that takes you out of the moment. Most 20 somethings aren't interested in watching