
@avclub-07b683aaf8286790f471dc144f596a33:disqus  I don't care for this show at all but you're understanding of what can constitute as misogyny is extremely limited.

Bill Cunningham New York is such a wonderful documentary!

Oh please let us know how that Yo La Tengo book is! I've been thinking of picking it up…

On Friday night here in NJ, as the snow came down, my boyfriend & I finally watched Looper. It was totally amazing and I wish  I had seen it in theaters. Definitely would now call it my favorite movie from 2012 that wasn't animated. Can't wait to see what Rian does next.

Last time she was on tour for Middle Cyclone, I was right in front and center, in her line of view, and I was so swept up in her live version of the title track that I began clapping uncontrollably at the fake-end part (right when it pauses, before she sings the last time). I was super, duper embarrassed because I was

The little critters of nature…

Sunship Balloons is a sweet little song

Awesome tattoo idea!!! Glad you caught it before the dude messed up your arm, that's terrible.

Weirdest inventory, I found it while listening to Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill (Deal With God)

I don't understand. Apparently if people critique this show, they are incapable of seeing nuance. Way to be dismissive. You like to encourage thoughtful discussions but only when they are completely inline with your own insights.

I think people freaked out at them first. WeeksAndWeeks & Chocolatestigmata are always extremely engaging in what they say. Usually it's a fight to see who is  cleverest, so sometimes reasonable arguments are hard to gleam, especially on here. No difference here, whatever they said went in one ear & out the other.

You sound like 2 year old tattling. Really, a "narc"?

Knock3d Up: The Jew Batch

Exactly! The few magazines I subscribe to all find a way to mention her in every single article. Entertainment Weekly, which is actually a pretty crappy magazine but I accidentally subscribed to it, had a huge feature on her, after weeks of not-so-casually mentioning her in every possible feature they could. I'm

Exactly! The few magazines I subscribe to all find a way to mention her in every single article. Entertainment Weekly, which is actually a pretty crappy magazine but I accidentally subscribed to it, had a huge feature on her, after weeks of not-so-casually mentioning her in every possible feature they could. I'm

Also think Girard's vegan corner should be a regular thing for food thread!

Very awesome!!

Holy shit this is amazing

Yeah season 1 is just shots of a yearbook. Seasons 2 & 3 are the animated intro

I know. Wow they got Banksy, how cool of them. I'm sure its real subversive for those very real Chinese workers making whatever Groening decided to market Homer's face on.