
Here in NJ/the NYC metro area, its balls cold. Last night was exceptionally bad so it gave me an excuse to do one of my favorite things - make a heavy dish that will be ultra warm and hearty. We made some Shepherd's pie (with Trader Joe's meatless meat balls, cooked and crumbled, instead of meat). Definitely warmed us

It'd be cool if in his last year, Obama just became 100% like a Tracy Jordan type character. Like, he has all these crazy demands and Biden or Michelle or whoever have to Liz Lemon him  all the time.

This is obviously the beginning of Obama's real America. His cultural jihad has begun, and he's taken all our guns, so there's no protecting ourselves!

@avclub-1898a4d76532f237d9b5c0592dfe71a9:disqus Boy do  I wish  I was better at responding in the right threads! :P

@avclub-1898a4d76532f237d9b5c0592dfe71a9:disqus Yes. I feel like we've gone backwards. Why does it feel like not so long ago we had films & TV shows which used diversity in a way that was, at the very least, fluid ? A decade or two later, and we're now patting someone on the back for being brave to show that they can

Dickety? Highly dubious!

Since we're mentioning KITH music, a few more I love: any of the skits with Bobby the teen, and Tammy, the music idol who sings "Roses." Bruce always came up with the best music-oriented KITH skits.

Besides the KITH sketch I mentioned above, the scene in Whisper Of The Heart (Studio Ghibli) when Shizuku sings "Take Me Home, Country Roads" with the group of old men at the antique store - this solidified the film as one of my top favorite Ghibli films

One of my favorite KITH skits is also the one where all the business men break out into singing "Do, Re, Mi" to the little boy who lost his dog (http://www.youtube.com/watc…

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus you're totally right, and I always, always use this phrase, and have someone point this out to me. When will I learn?!

I thought the episode was great but I was a little disappointed that they gave Colleen's character a 360 posthumously. I liked her character and thought it was all encompassing. I think it's a little odd to suddenly change it to seem like she was only this hard-hearted Catholic Irish woman when around Jack.

This week we made beet burgers. I can't stand beets, but shredded and pulsed with brown rice, lentils, almond butter, bread crumbs, and other spices, it came out great, especially on some toasted bread with veganaise. Also, its creepy to eat a beet burger because its red and makes me think of ground beef

@Scrawler2:disqus Yess Target underwear for life, even when I am 80 years old

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus I cannot tell you how extremely jealous I am of you! That must've been incredible, BTTB is one of my favorite albums of his. Awesome!!

I think there's a huge difference between Daniel Tosh trying to throw a bro-y insult at a heckler that backfires, and a stand-up set that has written context/performance attached to it. Whether or not the joke then works is another story.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus I can't tell you how happy this makes me, as I think I only know one other person in my life who when I told them I liked Sakamoto, they replied as enthusiastically as I feel about the music. I was upset because I completely missed a string of shows he did in New York

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus I do have Playing The Orchestra, which is one I tried to get for a  long time, but my best friend got me that, and Coda (all piano version of the MCML OST), for Christmas one year. I forgot there's also a great version of the MCML theme on an album titled "1996," which

Yup - have both of those, as well! I definitely spent a good chunk of my part-time job during high school trying to buy obscure Sakamoto CDs. Oh the things we get obsessed over when we're teenagers!