
I randomly picked up an album of Sakamoto's in Barnes And Noble, back when they had listening stations. From there I found out about the theme to Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, which led to my obsession with it. I have a bunch of albums by him with many versions of both the theme and the Forbidden Colours version with

The score is so amazing - one of the best title themes ever.

@avclub-02c1dd6ad234773aeffd7f7067784d58:disqus  Glad you watched The Thief & The Cobbler! This year I was fortunate to find a screening of a wonderful documentary titled "The Persistence of Vision" by Kevin Shreck, which covers the hardships of the film's original creator & writer, Richard Williams. It's an

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus I've read these comments sometimes, and I do know that there is a huge difference between Hannah and Lena Dunham. This is obvious. I definitely don't conflate the two. However in my post, I do talk about her and her show - I am talking about them separately and not as

@avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus I can tell you right now that a lot of feminists - actual feminists who fight for intersectionality as women of color, queer, etc., even typical white feminists - who don't write for Jezebel for page hits about how brave Lena Dunham is, have huge bones to pick with the

Cookie Monster, I definitely agree about kids getting snubbed. A few years ago when Hailee Steinfeld was nominated for True Grit, I definitely felt she deserved the award. Her acting was extremely impressive in that film.

Thanks so much for sharing. This is definitely making me excited for our trip!

Can this also be the unofficial Travel Thread?!

I actually thought that made the viewability of that video go to about 1000%. I mean, seriously… a nice car rolls up, and Jamie Fox walks out all cool, then Jake Gyllenhal looking sexy as hell, and Samuel L Jackson…and then… Ron Howard?!

You used to be all "Go Team Venture!" But now you're all…"Go Team Boobies!"

If there was one show I wish I could make everyone watch, it's Venture Bros. My love is boundless for it and I wish I could take a wait-mate and wake up when the new episodes start.

Willow, I'm going to feed you to my tarantula

I definitely wasn't trying to emulate Radiohead songs and dress gender neutral when I was 12. She's already impressed me by default

Aaron Paul just updated his twitter saying he spoke too soon.

yup. she's a keeper

I don't think everyone needs to experience everything in order to write it, no, but there are levels which differentiate what it means or signifies when a specific person chooses to make art out of other's experiences. It's probably extremely hard for a black person to pitch a film like Django, and to actualize it,

No, I didn't say Quentin isn't allowed to be horrified. But I did say he has made a chunk of his career from building off the histories of other cultures. He can empathize to a degree, but he can't say he understands the entire experience of being a black American, or a black woman, or anything like that. I can listen

Yeah the work part sucks but I haven't cooked myself a healthy meal in like two weeks. It's been non-stop cooking for groups of friends, driving to meet people and hang out, making messes and cleaning them, eating junk, no reading, quiet time, gym time, etc. I'm excited to have my sanity back.

I usually just cut each brussel sprout in half and roast them. They become caramlized on the flat side but on the inside they're soft and so delicious. I fricken love brussel sprouts