
Computer, load up celery man

Computer, load up celery man

She's kind of cute

She's kind of cute

I agree that it does border on exploitative. It's a very challenging book, not because its hard to read but because its so readable, but the events are  something that make you feel like a voyeur to the murders and then as if you are identifying more with the murderer. I would say the book is definitely flawed by

I agree that it does border on exploitative. It's a very challenging book, not because its hard to read but because its so readable, but the events are  something that make you feel like a voyeur to the murders and then as if you are identifying more with the murderer. I would say the book is definitely flawed by

Yeah! I found the recipe on Post Punk Kitchen (ppk.com). They came out super crispy and delicious…awesome with some soy creamery vanilla from Trader Joe's!

Yeah! I found the recipe on Post Punk Kitchen (ppk.com). They came out super crispy and delicious…awesome with some soy creamery vanilla from Trader Joe's!



The level of reporting done, down to each tiny detail, make it an incredible feat of writing. In terms of sympathy, I think that Capote does an amazing job of humanizing the killers. We often hear of murders and the murderers become immediate cartoon villains, who (for justifiable) reasons, are put complete in a black

The level of reporting done, down to each tiny detail, make it an incredible feat of writing. In terms of sympathy, I think that Capote does an amazing job of humanizing the killers. We often hear of murders and the murderers become immediate cartoon villains, who (for justifiable) reasons, are put complete in a black

I'm a huge fan of the R/B Hobbit and Return of the King. The animated ROTK is what made me a LOTR when I was a little kid and led to me reading the books, so it has a soft spot in my heart. I think their sillyness and "lived in" animation sits better with me than Jackson's glitz and glamorous live action versions.

I'm a huge fan of the R/B Hobbit and Return of the King. The animated ROTK is what made me a LOTR when I was a little kid and led to me reading the books, so it has a soft spot in my heart. I think their sillyness and "lived in" animation sits better with me than Jackson's glitz and glamorous live action versions.

I mentioned in in a previous thread but A Change At Christmas and Christmas at the Zoo by the Flaming Lips

I mentioned in in a previous thread but A Change At Christmas and Christmas at the Zoo by the Flaming Lips

With pretty much no emotional weight, but plenty of nostalgia, I offer up the suggestion of Hocus Pocus as well

With pretty much no emotional weight, but plenty of nostalgia, I offer up the suggestion of Hocus Pocus as well

Unhand thee swine, you swain! Piggy, back to Hamalot.

Unhand thee swine, you swain! Piggy, back to Hamalot.