
What you said, roobs. I thought it was decent enough, though horror isn't my forte.

'45' was my favourite song of 2012! High five!

Comb your hair, get to HBO in time.

I'm with you, 7's. What's worse is 3 people complained to the police about it, as if they didn't notice the incident; time-wasters of a different variety.

7's, there's really only one way to announce the presence of a troll:

I'm busy on Saturday night (my time) but due to time difference I should make some of one or both of the films. Same goes for Sunday. Basically, I'm a definitely maybe!

I don't understand, is this you being me-ta?

First you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.

Woah, SBT can sing, you guys!

I thought you might appreciate today's tee on RIPT. Maybe it can keep you sane:

Fun fact: In high school I wrote a creative writing piece about two men having a conversation in hell. I made a reference to the best-selling book in hell being 'Mein Kampf 2: Mein Kampfer'. My teacher circled it and wrote simply: 'Don't get this.'

Ted is my favourite character by some margin. We can be one of those 'agreeabuddies' the kids are raving about!

'Tis! Merry Christmas, digi!

Way to hog all the gimmick accounts, Randy! I didn't even get the chance to say that I'm [REDACTED].

Was probably expecting CI to be higher but not too many surprises yet. Though I don't have too much analysis to offer I do enjoy greedily scanning these chunks of ranked goodness as soon as they go up! Looking forward to the next batch! (insert the phrase 'fresh from the oven' somewhere in there).

I believe he is panting because when he receives his kitten he exclaims: 'DOG!'. Chang can't tell dogs from cats…it all makes sense now!


Let me translate for easier understanding:

And to think, this morning I had no idea this film existed. I AM EXCITED!