
And to think, this morning I had no idea this film existed. I AM EXCITED!

Season…4, you say?

We so Christmas, we so merry!

I haven't watched it yet, but this week's Happy Endings made me laugh out loud in the time it took me to click play and then pause on putlocker (in order to let it load). Literally, the timer was still at 00:00. So if we're ranking earliest laughs of the year, that'll definitely be in my top five.

Like Stockholm Syndrome, when you want to move to Stockholm and…live with a dick.

Maybe it's just me, but that totally looks like Chevy, or more likely his stand in, just above Alison's head. Coincidence…or conspiracy!

Aw, LPH, you're making me blush. Thanks!

George is getting onset!

Definitely. 8's should be along soon to tell you why.

I like to imagine the discussion Biscuit and Quirky had over their most recent grades:

Woah, woah, woah, let's get this straight…

Disqus is BOB?

'Gerrard died of the flu'

I think I'll miss you most of all, Scarecr…I mean, Spongy! Come back soon, dude!

Personally, I'd stick with Wenger. Then again, I'm not at the Emirates every week watching them not win trophies.

That old trickster! Ha! What's he been up to this time?

One of my pet peeves is when someone thinks that them deciding to stop watching a show is a big deal (yes, even TV critics!). Just keep it to yourself!

'Annie believes in me' is my favourite Pierce line.

BtG: I also had a 'Ohhh, that's where the bleed my own blood line came from!' moment. This was a very confident episode; the whole military storyline came together really well.