
Injury related or something you've needed done for a while?

Gettin' busy livin'. It's aight.

7's!! I think I'll miss you most of all (this is what I might've said years ago had I known I was going…) I've been very well, my friend. Yourself? Still kicking it on the tinychat chat?

Salutations, Jan! Mixology Certification, good ep, right?

LB! How are ya? Still making end of year lists like a mofo?

Narrator! Yeah I got stuck in Mexico and there's not much to do there but start a family. We escaped through that tunnel from Sicario. How are you?

SG! How's it hanging? Be more specific, what things are happening?!

ALB! How are you? You and Bongoes (Hey Bongoes!) still filling up the comment boards with your outrageous flirting?

Yo Dave! How are things? Do you still look like that actor whose name I never remembered 4 years ago and can't remember now?!

Hey Quirky! How are you? Those do sound sad…as long as I made the top 5 most missed I'm content.

What's happening, dudes?

Hi gang! Thought I'd stop by and wish you all a happy January 2nd! (and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, like those matter). Like Community itself, you cannot be stopped. Long live Greenville!

Community Season Three Reviews: 3x07 – 'Studies in Modern Movement'

Amen, hem.

I'm touched! Rest assured, 'banananuts' was not needed (but I will keep it in mind for future times of distress).

I'll do one, if it pleases.

Hiya, Communists!