
This reminds me of the South Park from a couple of weeks ago ('Insecurity'), which is hilarious for many reasons.

Whoever's birthday it is, it's always October 19th.

I think this is a spiffing good idea, 7's. Just to be clear, we're doing separate lists for each of TV, film and music? First time I read through I thought you meant just sticking everything in one big list.

Woah there, Emily Thorne.

Exactly how I feel! I was wondering why there weren't more immediate comments and then realised, 'it's probably cause everyone's sitting with a big grin not knowing what to say like me!'

'I'm a flash mob!'

I believe the rules were:
-No A+'s
-No B-'s
-No two episodes from the same season can be touching
-72 episodes in total to be ranked; the secret episode counts
-Half your rankings should be out of 10, half grades, half smiley faces
-Rankings should be reversed so to be read more easily in a mirror
-Debate 109 must be ranked

Abed looks very suave and grown up in those clothes. Maybe this is Chad from Cougar Town.

If if makes you feel any better, digi, my egotistical mind read yours as 'Fez and Poehler' and made me just a tad more excited.

Back to the Future Trilogy
The OC: Season 1
Community: Season 2
Seinfeld: Seasons 4&5

Films You Have To See Before You Die

Attention paid! Attention…paid.

I love the gleeful way George says 'Nametags!?'

I started to remember-member-member what a cockwomble-womble-womble I am.

A 30 minute recap of Justified's first and second seasons to be watched before season three?

I've got Grrr. Argh. as the first. Can anyone beat that?

All the answers you have been seeking. Rest weary traveller and have a hot cup of RHM.

The comment by the user 'Hessie' on that article made me laugh.