
Red Dwarf is one of my favourite shows of all time, without any reservations or caveats. Not to come across like a bastard, but if you don't consider it in the top tier of British sitcoms then couldn't you have found someone who does? I often think some people are scared of going against the accepted 'great British

Red Dwarf is one of my favourite shows of all time, without any reservations or caveats. Not to come across like a bastard, but if you don't consider it in the top tier of British sitcoms then couldn't you have found someone who does? I often think some people are scared of going against the accepted 'great British

We attack tomorrow…under cover of daylight.

We attack tomorrow…under cover of daylight.

Tomorrow night's episode of Series X is somewhat of a follow up to Ouroboros, dealing with Lister being his own dad on Father's Day.

Tomorrow night's episode of Series X is somewhat of a follow up to Ouroboros, dealing with Lister being his own dad on Father's Day.

Shameless plug of my review, but it's on this site so we're all good!:

Shameless plug of my review, but it's on this site so we're all good!:

The fact that you didn't follow 'wrong, wrong, wrong' with 'absolutely brimming over with wrongability' is damn near unforgivable.

The fact that you didn't follow 'wrong, wrong, wrong' with 'absolutely brimming over with wrongability' is damn near unforgivable.

A slowed-down, instrumental version of this was played in 10x1. It was rather beautiful.

A slowed-down, instrumental version of this was played in 10x1. It was rather beautiful.

Reproductive system, baby!

Reproductive system, baby!

I also thought this was the best episode yet.

I also thought this was the best episode yet.

Jonathan Banks, what a guy. I full expect not to see him for a while though, maybe we'll get a few grumbling phone calls in the weeks to come.

Jonathan Banks, what a guy. I full expect not to see him for a while though, maybe we'll get a few grumbling phone calls in the weeks to come.

Ah, the original. But do I prefer the sequel? This one takes it by a nose, just for the Conan farewell speech.

This is brilliant. Now to show it to my friends and pass it off as my own discovery! mwhahaha.