
I am a fan of two of these shows. Yup, you guessed it, the two you like the least! Yay, diversity!

Without thinking too much into it, 'AMMT' would be my first thought for my favourite episode, too. I laughed out loud just reading the Homer quote so that says something.

Actually, his name is Abed. But you got everything else right!

40,000 or bust!

That's what I was going to say! I guess instead I'll go for…

They have to. If not, we start a Kickstarter just to film that one scene. @avclub-04e0ee7f57cb99fce8677b2f946c35af:disqus  can write it.

Tab! We've just hit 100,000 on the finale. Just thought you oughta know!


Quick, post 700 comments!

Dawg, we gotta do this shit, we put the board on our fuckin' back, dude. My leg broke, I dunno how I'm still typing. I do this shit, for RHM.

Oh, it was all going so well, too…

I mistyped Shapeero and you copied me in solidarity. I love ya, man.

Also, who do you think for writing/directing? I'd assume maybe Shaperro for directing, unless a Russo comes back just for the finale.

You had me at 'Community is the best TV show in the world. We have the best fans in the world.' Well done, Lloyd.

Hey, remember that comment that celebrated us hitting 100,000, but also fit in with the general themes and history of the board? That was a good comment.

Richard Erdman!!! Glad to see you again!

I feel like Graduation will be in the title (if, as you say, it is a graduation) but there will probably be some other, y'know, words. If not just to distinguish it from all the other TV episodes titled 'Graduation'.

I'm watching you Wazowski, allwayyyssss watttchingggg.

Cheers, Quirky! I'm late but worth the weight…wait…

Don't break him!