
New game: ideas for Community finale title.

Oh, 7's, we love you right back.

I can't count the reasons I should stay,
but 100,000 is close enough.

Is that a cheeky little Red Dwarf reference at the end there? I approve!

Kojak, you have made me seriously disappointed that we can't actually do this. But, cheers!

You guys…I never cry but…

I'll just keep myself company until the others show up…

Butt soup!

I guess I should get us started…764 to go!

Thanks for sharing. It's always good to hear nice people are nice. Bringing him a Cinnabon seems hilariously cruel.

Wait…you don't have this page bookmarked?!?!

Can I just ask, is your name a mash-up of Inspector Spacetime and Dr. Leo Spaceman from 30 Rock? Because if it is, then that's a damn fine username.

So what? So let's dance!

This is one of the available questions for my 'The Long 18th Century' English module:

A metaphor in 'Rest In Peace', you say?

I got the flag patrol on my CZ post
Foes that wanna make sure my comment’s closed
TV critics that say he's "Spoof Meta Paintballs"
I'm from the Harmon stupid what type of facts are those
If you grew up with holes in your shows continuity
You'd celebrate the minute you was having Community
I'm like fuck DISQUS you can kiss

As obvious as it is, I think it should be left to each individual person. Everyone has heard all the sides of the argument now and can re-rank, or not, accordingly. A wise man once said:

Just wanted to say I love whenever you do these, digi. I'm not up to date with 30 Rock, sadly, but I still find your round-ups interesting!

My review is a page back, if you're interested.

Fez’s Red Dwarf X Reviews - 10x1 - ‘Trojan’