
You should have heard it before! Jabbar asks Crosby what it means after he hears it in the studio in the previous scene. Crosby's definition is 'uh…super awesome'. If Jabbar had come up with 'pimptacular' on his own, that really would've been noteworthy.

You should have heard it before! Jabbar asks Crosby what it means after he hears it in the studio in the previous scene. Crosby's definition is 'uh…super awesome'. If Jabbar had come up with 'pimptacular' on his own, that really would've been noteworthy.

*continues slow clap*


I'd say so. There's been some great stuff so far, and even the storylines that I initially wasn't keen on have been handled better than I expected. I like Romano's character so far (his daughter not so much) and Kristina/Monica Potter has been killing it.

From looking over the comments here I guess I'm in the minority, but Ryan is my favourite character and I thought his storyline in this ep (and with Steven) was the best thing the show has done so far. The only group member I like is George and he's been AWOL these past couple of episodes.

From looking over the comments here I guess I'm in the minority, but Ryan is my favourite character and I thought his storyline in this ep (and with Steven) was the best thing the show has done so far. The only group member I like is George and he's been AWOL these past couple of episodes.

Parenthood fan checking in. Season 4 has been strong so far.

Max is the BraverMan.

Max is the BraverMan.

When Jabbar said the pancakes were 'pimptacular', I was worried what the next word out of his mouth would be. Oh Parenthood, I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

When Jabbar said the pancakes were 'pimptacular', I was worried what the next word out of his mouth would be. Oh Parenthood, I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

I agree. As the doctor said, Kristina is the type of person who puts her family first and herself last. Adam wasn't so much bullying her as he was doing what needed to be done/what Kristina couldn't.

I agree. As the doctor said, Kristina is the type of person who puts her family first and herself last. Adam wasn't so much bullying her as he was doing what needed to be done/what Kristina couldn't.

Thought this a solid, if unremarkable, episode. As you say, the blueprint is there but it feels like there's something missing. Hopefully the ongoing storyline picks up more steam in the weeks to come.

Thought this a solid, if unremarkable, episode. As you say, the blueprint is there but it feels like there's something missing. Hopefully the ongoing storyline picks up more steam in the weeks to come.

Johnny English Reborn. I thought we covered this already?

Interesting to note the whiteboard features very similar but not completely identical text (For What It's Worth lyrics etc.) which was featured in the Ewwy vid Candles posted earlier (around 1:08).

Just warms my heart.

Is there anything Donald Glover can't do?