

Not their best effort but still some great stuff in there:

Not their best effort but still some great stuff in there:

B+ for me. Plenty of catchy tunes and even my least favourite (Kill The DJ) still managed to worm its way into my brain.

B+ for me. Plenty of catchy tunes and even my least favourite (Kill The DJ) still managed to worm its way into my brain.

Sad news. Rest in peace, Valen.

Oh, roobs. Don't ever change.

I think the power of the Robin Sparkles bomb lies in its perfect timing: a year and a half into the show. If it had happened straight away it would've just been the quirky character backstory to differentiate her. If it happens in season 7 then we don't believe it could have been kept a secret that long.

I think the power of the Robin Sparkles bomb lies in its perfect timing: a year and a half into the show. If it had happened straight away it would've just been the quirky character backstory to differentiate her. If it happens in season 7 then we don't believe it could have been kept a secret that long.

Nah, I'm pretty sure Eric's hit the nail on the head.

Those pics all look pretty good to me. Here's to optimism.

It's interesting that they didn't try to make Joel look exactly like he did in MW. Or maybe they did try:

Such a great episode. Two plotlines that could easily have been separate episodes intertwined beautifully. I've never given it much thought but this would definitely be one of the strongest A/B storylines conversing I can think of.

Such a great episode. Two plotlines that could easily have been separate episodes intertwined beautifully. I've never given it much thought but this would definitely be one of the strongest A/B storylines conversing I can think of.

Nice! I'd also like to thank the people that provide time links to each song in the comments sections for full concerts like this. That's some fine youtube work, boys.

Nice! I'd also like to thank the people that provide time links to each song in the comments sections for full concerts like this. That's some fine youtube work, boys.

While I wouldn't want everyone in the world to act like him, I do appreciate his 'I'm old, I'm famous, I've got a family, what the fuck do I care?' way of looking at things.

While I wouldn't want everyone in the world to act like him, I do appreciate his 'I'm old, I'm famous, I've got a family, what the fuck do I care?' way of looking at things.