Archduke Fancypants

Two [clickety clickety]… One [clickety]… Two [clickety clickety]… Seve-[clacketa-clacketa-clacketa]-GODDAMMIT!!!

Two movies focusing on how the Russians handled refugees/DCs after WW2: The Truce and The Edge. Both of them are on Netflix streaming. Bonus points if you like trains.

Dark Horsegasmic!

Dark Horsegasmic!

Oh FUCK yeah.

Your dad died saving my life and these people were killing firemen for MONEY!

Let's not forget 105.7 the X, with Nipsey: The People's DJ.

For a Korean film with crazy genre shifts, look no further than Windstruck (the sequel to My Sassy Girl). One minute it's a lighthearted romantic comedy, the next it's a grief-stricken rumination on coming to terms with death, and then all of a sudden it's a hard-ass cop montage with cars exploding and people getting

A couple things
For future reference when you guys are appearing with audio: It's spelled Choi but almost always pronounced "Chae" and same goes for Hye. "Hyae" not "Hi."

First Knight definitely sucked hard re-watching it ten years after I saw it in the theater, no longer fifteensh. That said, it is a crime that Ben Cross hasn't been in more shit stateside, cuz that guy rules. Canceraids etc. soforth.

Tanks are simple to turn on, yes, but driving and firing wouldn't last Rick too long. M-1s are extremely maintenance-intensive; I've heard informally from tankers that they break a component every 50Ks or so on average. And they're pretty easy to stop, too; even a single strand of concertina (or, I assume, enough

Oh… You mean ? My bad.

Baek vs. Kwon
Dunno if anyone's brought this up and I'm just hammering nails, but this whole "which Kwon is going to be the candidate" mystery is a bit grating to me. Korean women, with very few exceptions, keep their maiden names after marriage. So unless Sun wanted to buck tradition, which seems strange with an

@Beltram: I see what you're saying, and I'll even raise you a 7th Fleet off the coast to your Air Force. But as you've said yourself: it's not IN Korea. All of those assets have regional missions of which Korea is just one part, albeit an important one. I'm not saying we're not covering down on them, but I take issue


Time to whip out my nerd card
You guys have the cover for the wrong 28 Days Later posted. Aftermath is the godawful one publishe in 2007.

The vast majority of our combat soldiers on peninsula: 3 brigades' worth of mixed heavy, artillery, and aviation assets. A little better than half a division's worth. This in comparison to three no-shit ROK Army Groups numbering more than a 1/2 million, active duty alone. We stopped being the great protector once we

The Non-Union, South Korean Equivalent
I mean, if it's your thing and all. Can't see why it wouldn't be.

The series that got me as a kid was Tintin, from the Blue Lotus all the way to Flight 714. Despite all the horrendous ethnic stereotypes (which I've heard Herge later recanted) I'd still recommend it to just about anyone, any age.

What burned me about it so much was the silly-ass jaunt through the jungle that the commies made with that giant saw-blade machine at the front. I just mentally compare stupid physical impossibility of that convoy in Crystal Skull to the tank sequence in Holy Grail or the Bad Guys carrying the ark in Raiders and the