
My only point has ever been that you, or anyone, singularly, are not the arbiter of whether or not "the narrative sucks." Just as I, or anyone, singularly, would not be the arbiter of it being great.

I really never thought I'd see the day everyone lamented the loss of Disqus.

"That BASICALLY is how I read your position, despite your trappings of verbal civility. Your annoyance is palpable."


Again, I disagree fundamentally with the suggestion that a piece of art (or pop culture, or storytelling, or television, or visual text, or whatever your term of choice) has to succeed with EVERYONE in order to be considered successful. That's an impossible bar for anything to clear.

Welp, I suppose this saves me from shouting "Omar comin'!" every time his character appears on screen.

I feel like this might be a case in which you're equating you not liking something with that thing not being good. But those two things are not the same.

The episode in which Homer becomes a Tomacco farmer?

I like that I knew exactly what the headline was when I saw the thumbnail for this GJI on the AV Club homepage.

I disagree fundamentally with most of your points. Not in a bad or contentious way, just in a way that makes clear you and I see/conceptualize the function of storytellers and narrative storytelling differently.

I feel like the Night King would be more Lestat than Louis.

Curious to know what Richard and Bad Coop are talking about in the car…

I've had plenty of nights out that involved running away from Chartreuse.

Finally a reason to shrug off this tired old personality and live my virtual life as the misogynist, right wing, Michael Bay fan I truly am!!

Six episodes in, I'm enjoying seeing The Defenders come together. (Three fourths of them, at least.)

Lucky motherfucker…

Because he's an idiot.

Pratt was way more than kinda hot in Jurassic World.

I do so dispute it.

I had to watch this episode a second time.