
Found Andrew Stoeten's AV Club account.

One can hope that the late-season Survivor game starts to pick up, especially with that Legacy Advantage, because so far it's been a fairly dull season. Yes, Michaela is the best, yes, David will stumble into victory, no, the "Millennial thinking vs Gen X thinking" commentary won't end.

Katie Nolan deserved to lead off this episode after some dreadful, cringey writing handed to her in the early episodes of Pitch. She, along with Jay Onrait and Dan O'Toole, deserve much better than the race to the bottom that Fox Sports 1 has quickly chased this past year.

No mention of "The Star Wars Prequels Don't Deserve Your Hatred" as part of the "Clickbait garbage" reel, highlighted prominently on Plinkett's monitor? Nope?

College Humor just did a "hot girl with relatively unattractive guy" sketch literally days ago. College Humor, the old stomping grounds for new SNL head writer Sarah Schneider.

It's so Transparent.

There are no allergies. There is no dust in my eye. I have been brought to tears by the loving voice of Angela Lansbury.

Nothing short of masterful.

Great job, TV!

I saw The Hip at their first show at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto just over a week ago, and damn, could they still put on a show. I've never been more happy to see a lead singer swing their body around in a spastic fashion, and only in this case to confirm that Gord Downie still is who he is.

It certainly didn't help us makes sense during the tumultuous times of global warning denials.

As long as she passes the "Tiger" test, that's all that matters in my book.

"I'm above 'Great Job, Internet!'" - commenter who regularly appears in the comments section of Great Job, Internet! pieces.

Tea lizard and #Smockin are memes upon memes that already exist, AV Club. Just because you were born too late to explore the world and born too early to explore the galaxy, doesn't mean that you weren't born at the right time to learn about dank memes.

I mean, when everyone else is wearing brown and white, and all the extras seem to have brown or black hair, putting one person with a blue jacket and blond hair into the scene repeatedly seems intentional.

Mini-MadTV reunion, too.

Very glad to hear something of theirs be top notch this decade.

Don't let anyone take you for granite, Stuff.

"Polite Fight" has secretly climbed up to top AV Club rankings, personally. Can't wait to see a more methodical look into the visual storytelling for Game of Thrones next week!

I was here just to do a Ctrl+F search for "Louis." It went a lot better than I thought it would.