
Predator again.

For Our Consideration:

It's sad that the author of this piece didn't even watch the entirety of a 4-minute clip as part of his job, because he clearly says "Thanks to all my 24 subscribers" right at the end of the video. He got those 2,000 subs after the video went viral.

"I will play Persona 5 and Final Fantasy XV in 2016 and I will finish them."

"Roundabout" - Yes

If a stranger on the street switched places with you for one day, what would they learn about you that would shock them the most?

Yeah, MGS V (V, not 5) is definitely a game you want to play out in its entirety before you get a good idea on how you liked it. It's a very front-heavy game, imo.

*Max Landis writes 53 masterful tweets blaming audiences for not supporting "original movies*

B+ for producing a conclusion to both the flash forward and the Wes/Analise mystery that isn't The Worst Lost Mother Idea In The World TM

Why not just call it "Fuck Red Letter Media's Opinions" week?

Silent Hills confirmed?

Josh Modell is owed one Big Gulp.

What's aggravating is the fact that the show is dropping "shit" and "bullshit" all over, with the latter coming just last week. The post-hoc "we wanted to say 'screw' on TV. Honest!" answer from Kirkman was bush league.

Odd to see The Talking Dead get the primetime slot. It's been a few seasons since it's been that bad.

The Sadness Quadrilogy will live on!

I don't understand. Kara hasn't been exploitatively shown in a shower scene, nor is she being narratively railroaded into a romance that makes no sense for her to get involved in. Are we SURE this is a Dahvid Cahjey game?

Looks like SOMEONE owes Josh a Big Gulp!

Surprised they didn't show the clip of Harper playing "Hey Jude" to the Israeli Prime Minister. It's much worse.

Can't wait for Annalise to pin a murder on the parrot.

Must have missed Chiwetel Ejiofor's performance in "12 Years A Master."