
Suffers from David Cage-ism.

It's so painfully dull, like it needs to drive to a more thrilling place that it never reaches.

What a motherfucking perfect ending.


Dammit, you're right. Unlike a boss, I forgot about corporate synergy.

The dumb nerd in me is super excited for Lupita just because a Star Wars trailer is supposed to drop on Sept 18. IS IT HAPPENING ON COLBERT?!?!?!


Super glad to see Julian Casablancas dip his toes into some acting work.

For whatever reason, anytime someone mentions the word probation, I have the strong urge to respond, "Double secret probation, sir?"

Hideo Kojima is set to be a free agent soon. If he's truly not interested in making games anymore…

Read the room, bud. Know an ally-oop when you see it.


You can just up and "Great Job, Internet!" yourself, Mr. Teti? I believe the spirit of the piece is to reward others from around the world's widest web for their efforts in bringing thought-provoking content to the attention of the AV Club, not for those working for the site to parade their own brand of internet

Not only that, but holding the run button still only makes your character gradually speed up, instead of instantly running from the moment of interaction. People trying to press all buttons could have very well not seen any speed increases.

What's next, praising the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood mobile pay-to-win game? OH WAIT.

After trying for so long to like Wilmore, I can only give The Daily Show with Trevor Noah 2 full weeks. Jon Stewart's time with the show is so special that, in my mind, Comedy Central not retiring the platform is a slap to the face to a man who single-handedly brought promise to a fledgling cable network.

Programming note; one half of the Snaked duo, Hugh Myrone, is responsible for the sweet guitar licks and soundtrack for the Kickstarted arcade drifting title, Drift Stage.

Can "Everything is fucking" be surpassed in the season's final 90 minutes? I'd be damned if they can top that shit.

I, too, have read that.

"If we ended up in green screen with coffee and everybody having a good time, everybody will be happy, but most likely the film would be a piece of shit.”