
It's quite crazy they think they can get away with doing an alternate history show where slavery was still a thing.

I always think of nice quotes, but never act on them.

I've got anxious emotions about the events that have proceeded.

I'll leave it to literally every single AV Club writer to remind me about Patton Oswalt.

Hot take: I didn't hate King of Queens. Jerry Stiller saved it, and Remini held her own.

Don't hinder the Jinder, man.

Now that Malcolm's out, Cirie was barely visible, and Tai's making big moves on behalf of others, I wouldn't be surprised to see Brad make it to the final ___ this season.

Which ones; the presidency-removing tax returns or 70s-era car wash kind of tax returns?

AV Club's commenting season is off

Relatively low activity from China, India, Central Brazil, Russia, and others should really help quash this stupid notion that somehow 1/7 people in the world are watching The Oscars each year.

Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Saving Private Ryan blew a 3-1 lead to Shakespeare in Love.

It'd be like if a General Manager of a baseball team took a job elsewhere as a first base coach.

Can't believe they're giving Chewie the honors of being The Last Jedi.


Weird to see the "Jon Bois Chart Party post-video comment -> Astronaut io -> Metafilter -> GJI" train of events in action, but here we are.

I, too, was a fan of Keegan-Michael Key in Rocket Jump's "Mexican Standoff," William.

At least Adam held off for as long as he could on the surefire jury kindling that is the unfortunate health of his ailing mother. I say that as callously as that because a lesser player would angle for sympathy, and he truly tried not to do that. Even if she hadn't been in that situation, Adam played his butt off and

Fox's SYNERGY with its sports brands might keep it afloat for another season.

Oh no, where else can I get coffee that's bested by McDonalds, sandwiches outdone by Subway, and baked goods that pale in comparison to Dunkin' Donuts?

Ah, the Suits Conundrum.