Dr. Venkman PhDs

@LLanley - Thank you! Ghostbusters FTW!

I agree with Tom Arnold in True Lies. The only time, to my knowledge, that Tome Arnold has ever been funny.

I think you should have included a song by Deadguy from Fixation on a Coworker - "The Extremist". "You wanna be rock & roll? You're cool but you're dead."
Also, Zerosum by Small Brown Bike could be an anti-suicide song. "I think you're stronger for wanting to stay alive".

I'm glad to see the Swans on here. I would have picked Zerosum by Small Brown Bike and Straight As by Dead Kennedys.

I agree. People like to rag on Scream a lot now. At the time I thought it was very clever and interesting. They didn't just point out the cliches but subverted them. Like the biggest star dying in the first scene and the victims actually fighting back instead of just falling down and screaming. I think it's cool to

Can we just ban "I Feel Good" and "Bad to the Bone" period? I never need to hear either of those songs again.

I hate when people in a movie are shown in class and they're LEARNING ABOUT THE VERY THING THAT'S HAPPENING TO THEM! Or they're learning about something that will happen later in the film.

Oh! and the WORST one is when a movie shows a HAPPY couple. they're SO HAPPY! They're having sex and saying I love you and jumping on eachother's back. It just means one of them is going to die.
This trope is so pervasive that now that I have a relationship with someone I love, I have been very afraid of him dying. I'm

Oh and the thing where the bad guy explains everything instead of just shooting the guy he's been trying to kill for an hour and 20 minutes.

@Satisfire - I liked yours. I work with vets so I'm particularly irritated by that trope.

Bitches shall not be shit but hoes and tricks.

I just wanted to add that in addition to having serious issues with women, I hate MB for having the *worst* racial and sex-preference stereotypes ever committed to film. In every one of his films black people are the ones with the one-liners, they're always yelling, they're always violent and talking with some kind of

Maybe I'm the only one
but I kind of liked Zack and Miri. I'm not a K. Smith fan, but I thought the movie was enjoyable enough. At the very least, I wouldn't call it bad.

God there's so many people I want to punch in the face. Most of them aren't really "celebrities" but if everyone knows who they are I think that counts.

Would you really cry?

Phantom Tollbooth
I would like Tim Burton to make a Phantom Tollbooth movie that doesn't suck like the one from the 70s does. Only, fucking Johnny Depp is not allowed in it.

I forgot to mention Brendon Small, Noel Fielding and Julian Barrett. Brendon Small could come to the party in my pants as well.

Patton Oswalt, Simon Pegg and Paul Rudd. Paul Rudd and I could have sex if he wanted.

This was a good one
Just putting my vote way down here. I really enjoy these daily buzzkills.

Yeah, you can't really be too bitter when dealing with ideologues who have promulgated an ideology that has us all on the brink of several different kinds of extinction.