Dr. Venkman PhDs

Ben Templesmith and Jhonen Vasquez. They're the best ones to my mind. But maybe not so much influential. Or influential to a new generation of comic artists?

This thread wins the day. We can all sign off now.

I'm Irish and not offended. But a bunch of you are confusing Scottish and Irish. Get your stereotypes right!

Unrepentant Racist has the best name/picture combo

you suck

What's Wrong With This Movie?
Um, I like bad movies. I will admit that. And I will also admit that this movie is not "good". But I do find it to be incredibly entertaining. Posey acting just totally nuts, Reynolds being snarky as usual, J. Biel's fucking shoulders and she shoots arrows! It's fun. Why do you hate fun

Why is this a thing?

Yup. That was why I didn't suggest it.

@Thylacine - What has *that* got to do with it?

Excuse me but Ghostbusters is Bill Murray's best film. You're all insane.

I'm doing it hard
See? I'm lobbying hard for a D. F. Wallace book. Could we get A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again?

Also, @Mnjoe or whatever your unregistered name is. Please don't tell the people here to read Chuck K. I bet at least 80% of the folks registered here have read that book and it's not the revelatory bible you make it to be.
Meaning, I can read Drugs, Sex and Cocoa Puffs and disagree with all or part of it and still

Unmutual, if you hate all the bullshit that's on TV (or "tee vee") why don't you just get rid of your TV? I rant much less since I did so and I can still watch anything on TV I do like on the PS3 or my computer.

What are those horrible orange things?

With my last breath, I curse ZOIDBURG!

The Chronic, played in its entirety, from a ghetto blaster strapped to my bike.

Anything by the Misfits is Summer music to me.
Dead Kennedys Frankenchrist is the Fall

I agree. I think the "crapped out" part caught me off guard and that's why I laughed. A C- does seem high, but we've been told time and again not to take the letter grades too seriously. So, I don't know. Whatever.

"…have gone back to the source and crapped out My Life In Ruins…" - That made me laugh really loud at work.

What happens, I wonder, if when they find the kid - the kids parents are atheists or something. Or not Buddhist. Do they still try to take the kid away?