Dr. Venkman PhDs

Yeah. Stupid girls never know when to stop getting tattoos and piercings that sexually please you. What bitches.

Ghost World!
Thora Birch in that film was so close to my personality at the time, we even look very much alike. I felt like that movie (more than the graphic novel) reached into my brain and spread the contents around into a film.

his brother works at my place of employment. it's weird bc pauly shore's brother looks a lot like him but - like a normal guy. it's like the weasle grew up and wanted to practice therapy.

Wow. I haven't commented here in a long time but this is a little heart warmer. Congrats to you both.

Zack, thank you so much for ably articulating how I feel about all discomfort comedy. I've always felt like I get too attached to fictional characters, that I over-empathize with them. But you pretty much banged the nail on the head - Curb Your Enthusiasm is just off the table for me. I loved Freaks & Geeks, but I had

Goodfellas makes me want to eat spaghetti and smoke cigarettes.


Well, remember @Anywhere - amusement is a HUGE personal investment. You don't want to overdo it.

The best thing about articles featuring ZMF are all the people who get their panties in a twist and start commenting about how it's all an act and blah blah blah.
Watching English majors cry because their brilliant bon mots go unnoticed by the AVC while ZMF gets his own feature is the most awesome thing I can hope for

Who knew that Alan Thicke was so awesome? I kind of wish he was my dad.

I can't feed my family with a codpiece!

I wasn't sure which other horrible Christmas movie to show at my holiday film festival. Now I know. Thank you, Nabin.

I basically have this to say about the article: I can't believe you can find something to complain about with this shot. It's one of the most seamless and beautiful things I've ever seen done in terms of film trickery and magic. They went for it and pulled it off and the fact that non-film-nerd don't notice all the

That's "smize" to you, not "smileyes".

@Anywhere - Do you mean have my hormones and libido dried up to the point where thinking about attractive men does not make me horny? If that's what you meant, then no - I am not that old.

Robert Pattinson's interviews are what really do it for me. I know you can't tell shit about someone from their public persona but I do like the way he says he hates the Edward character and so played him in a self-hating way and his jokes about being gay. It just seems like he doesn't take himself too seriously and

My 27 year old sister loves the books and movies - which I use as evidence of her mental retardation. However, looking at Robert Pattinson does something to me in the underpants area of my body. So I can kind of understand watching the movie. With Rifftrax of course. I can still get hot for RP listening to Rifftrax

It seems like this interview wasted a lot of time asking JSF obvious, naive and belligerent meat-eater questions that JSF had to answer over and over. The interview seemed to go.
AVC - But what if I want to eat meat?
JSF - Well go ahead. No big deal. Just think about it.
AVC - But what if your kid wanted to eat meat?

I never noticed the button myself. But is it just me or is @ebbv the most annoying commenter we've ever had around here? Worse than that Tarkovsky guy.

OK, yeah, yeah. Dane Cook sucks. I think we can safely dismiss the opinion of anyone who thinks otherwise. Now, what I want to know is if I'm the only person who doesn't like Louis CK.