Dr. Venkman PhDs

The Preacher is also the first thing I thought of when I read that. I love the AVC precisely because so many other folks here know who Arseface is.

@tstove - you really feel like it's a good thing to know who the people on this show are? I don't know who any of them are except LDP (for the awesome Disorganized Crime), S. Balwin (for his crazy Xtian rants described by Nathan Rabin) and H&S (from gossip blogs but I don't know what show they were on before they

Sorry, I'm hijacking this thread to talk about how fucking awesome Today's Special is/was.
At the time it seemed normal but looking back - my grandmother was apeshit bonkers. She only watched Canadian TV (hence my love of Today's Special despite by very American upbringing) and she rooted for Canada against America in

hi @ba.

This was an awesome post. Unfortunately, it got the Boblo island song, the Empire carpet song AND the Mendards song (shown in Chicago all the time - but my favorite is the Spanish version "Mucho dinero! Mucho dinero! Mucho dinero aqui Menards!")

D-I-A-M-O-N-D. Anyone raised in Southern Michigan or Northwest Ohio knows that you can't play cards without spelling D-I-A-M-O-N-D.

Crank 2
I wasn't going to make a comment on the Crank 2 review because I figured - why bother?
But now that it's come up again, I hated that review too - but not for the letter grade.

Steve Martin

I thought Wolverine was given his claws by Stryker. I didn't think he was born with them. Isn't that what they say in X-2?

Not to be picky
but it's Dr. Spangler. Not Dr. Egon.

I play bar trivia every Sunday night and last night there were some questions about this interview. One of the questions was "What is the name of Billy Bob's band?". I got that one wrong. But we did name our team : Would You Ask Tom Petty That??!?

I don't want to read all the comments to find out if I'm the only one who thinks that the "arrows" look exactly like cock and balls. I'll just say, here and now, that the cereal looks like penis and testes. Sorry if it ends up being redundant.

Holy shit. I was just going to ask if you knew what the queers were doing to the soil…

Wow. Thank you for that, anonymous poster. I am happily "following" ZMF on Twitter now. Maybe it'll induce me to log in more than once a month.

I was getting really angry about all the R'publican "The MARKET will decide who stays and who goes!" venom on this board. But now that I've read these past few ZMF poss, I feel refreshed and ready to take on the day. Thank you ZMF (I mean it!).

Jesus Christ
Every time I read these columns I read the whole thing thinking "What about ____?" only to find that person's/show's/movie's/etc. name in the "Where Not to Start" area. It's uncanny.

Jesus Christ
Every time I read these columns I read the whole thing thinking "What about ____?" only to find that person's/show's/movie's/etc. name in the "Where Not to Start" area. It's uncanny.

In defense of
Just Friends. I will defend that movie all day every day. That is a funny ass movie. And if you're "too cool" to laugh at it - because it's not Great Cinema - then I think you're a tool. Which is all to say that if you don't think Just Friends is funny - then I respect your wrong opinion (but you're

Oh I don't mean to say at all that a comic is required to explain politics. I just mean that certain jokes miss for me. It's like the comic on Dr. Katz. He says: "You ever see these comics who just don't get it - they're like 'Sugar-free candy? Who's that for??' and I'm like 'DIABETICS!'".

So, firstly, to point out the obvious - everyone has different tastes in humor. That said - I don't want to ever know the person up there who said Mitch Hedberg isn't funny. It's fine that you disagree with me - but I hate you anyway.