Dr. Venkman PhDs

@ Ocean of cats. You have the best name/avatar on here. OoC FTW!

Don't forget Hedberg on Home Movies. "Humans never understood yarn. They tried to make it into things. Sweaters. But the kitty knows it's fine just the way it is."

My heart belongs to
My heart used to belong to Nabin, as I felt he brought the funny most consistently. But I'm now giving my heart to Sean O'Neal. For many reasons of course - the first of which is that he mentioned one of my favorite lines in Ghostbusters. My absolute favorite line from that movie is "Listen! Do you

How can we find out when screenings are? I live in Portland but would totally road trip to LA to see this happen.

I am sooo excited to see this movie. Also, how can you find out about midnight viewings? Are they still taking place in LA? Because I will buy a ticket *right now* to see that.

Phil Hartman is exempt from all criticism in any case. I even liked that movie he did with Sinbad (Houseguest). And Sinbad is Sinbad.

Yeah I guess it's easy for a man to say that if you're abused you should press charges and if you don't press charges then probably nothing happened. You must be a fucking genius to hold that point of view.

@GB Magpaie - I'm only starting a club with you if you play euchre. I miss playing euchre.

I think the Simpsons would be much improved if it STOPPED already with the guest stars.

@El Zilcho - you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to say "Fuck you all for not agreeing with me!"

Whoa. You might like the essay by David Rakoff in the book Fraud about his "battle" with NHL. I know you said you had HL and not NHL, but you might relate still. It's a very good essay.

Jesus. Scary thread. @ricin you are the second man to insist that because Elyse Sewell was smart and straightforward that she was an insufferable bitch who deserved what she got. Even if you didn't like her on the show, how does that have any bearing on her subsequent beating by an abuser?

Yeah guys….um "sack" it up….

@Smalls - you suck. I also read her LiveJournal and I loved her on ANTM. She was smart and straight forward which leaves space for every insecure man on the interweb to call her an arrogant bitch.

I thought that was weird too.

I had a tape I was listening to when I met my first love (HS BF). On one side was Brothers Keeper and on the other Descendents Hallraker Live. I was listening to this over and over again when he and I first met. When we broke up it took me nearly 5 years to get completely over him. I can listen to those albums now but

I like that the Semi-Charmed life song is actually about crystal meth and anal sex. That's what makes it for me. I feel of all the movies that used that song - perhaps Dirty Work was the only one that really knew that that song was about.

First Nabin - thank you for this awesome and hilarious - as always - write up. And secondly, thank you for acknowledging my awesome idea.

@ P Heche - whenever I play euchre and I call diamonds I have to say it like the commercial "That's D-I-A-M-O-N-D". Stuff like that weasels its way into your brain and never leaves.

Whoever said Clueless is the opposite of a lifetime pass can suck it. Or something cleverer than that.