Dr. Venkman PhDs

Wrong again. Studly college guy in Clueless.

My feeling about Paul Rudd is that if you don't want to fuck his brains out and then cuddle closely beside him - man, woman, straight, gay - then you have no heart and no privates.
Because that sparkly-eyed mother-fucker is one charming bastard.

@Fat Old hairy White Guy - I love your avatar. Milk and Cheese are some of my favorite comic books!

@Fat Old hairy White Guy - I love your avatar. Milk and Cheese are some of my favorite comic books!

You mean Chang'z Clan?

You mean Chang'z Clan?

What about Cap'n Crunch (which is a cereal and not a candy I'm aware)? However, if you say CC doesn't hurt you and leave mouth meat dangling from the roof of your mouth that you tongue all day then you're a damn liar. Cap'n Crunch hurts so good.

What about Cap'n Crunch (which is a cereal and not a candy I'm aware)? However, if you say CC doesn't hurt you and leave mouth meat dangling from the roof of your mouth that you tongue all day then you're a damn liar. Cap'n Crunch hurts so good.

@Right Wingnut - you made me laugh. And for that I will second your theory that we are all in cages in PW's apartment and that it's exactly like the Matrix.

@Right Wingnut - you made me laugh. And for that I will second your theory that we are all in cages in PW's apartment and that it's exactly like the Matrix.

BAH! I say to all of you who would pair (and ruin) chocolate with fruit. Also BAH! to anyone who likes their chocolate (or sex) white. Yuck.

BAH! I say to all of you who would pair (and ruin) chocolate with fruit. Also BAH! to anyone who likes their chocolate (or sex) white. Yuck.

@sugartits - both are true.
@choco - we gall that lady "Grimace" because she's constantly grimacing in an attempt to smile. She needs to listen to Tyra and smile with her eyes. Her dead, dead eyes.

Alos, under the video was a "Rachel Ray Gets Sexy" video which made me wretch.


I bet that icing she made would choke a hobo. Ugh.

Cereal is for dinner 3 mights out of 7. It's easy to make and contains marshmallows.

I meant to say blue-collar, not blue-class. Shit.

It really is a shame that Roseanne went downhill. The good thing about that show is that it wasn't JUST groundbreaking because of the blue-collar family stuff but also because their house actually looked like a blue-collar family home. It was dirty, stuff laing everywhere, no "interior design". The parents were fat,

I remember loving Night Court when I was little but the only two things I remember about the show were one, that Harry Anderson loved Mel Torme and two, the episode where they had to deal with a ghost and have a rial for the ghost and they ask he ghost what he wants and he write JUST-ICE and Dan or somebody says let's