Dr. Venkman PhDs


Wait what's with the Sandy Duncan glass eye thing? Does she really have one? Because that would explain something I've long wondered about. (If you care:see below)


We call it "band practice". Like as in "I gotta go to band practice…in the bathroom".

@RR - don't let them make you take your avatar down! Stand united with the 5 other women on this site.

Wow. I'm gonna guess that you're not big on literature, ZMF (but maybe you are, who knows) but he wrote a fair few good books - the best of which is, I think, The Pleasure of my Company and his non-fiction Born Standing Up.

I went to law school - hated it and then dropped the fuck out. I was good at the work but hated the people.

I don't know what @Banned posted but have I mentioned before how much I hate Hofstra for sending me tons, and tons, and TONS of junk mail and invites while I was applying to law school? Why were they so desperate? I have a forever-grudge against Hofstra for this reason.

Hey is definitely my favorite Pixies song….

@bascule - thank you for pointing out the glaringly obvious. But I think the whole point of the AVC message boards is generally airing your opinion about pop-culture stuff. I'm glad there's always someone like you here to call attention to the fact that the things we like and dislike are subjective.

Was it Chekov's speedboat?

Way too hard to pick one-

I feel like I need to defend him. I think he's funny - at least what I've seen of him. And I think he sounds like a normal person in his interview. Not sure where all the vitriol is coming from. Though I must admit I have not seen his stand-up or any of his hosting attempts. Liked him is FSM though.

Wow, seriously? Anti-Eddie Izzard folks here? Why? In a world full of Larry the Cable Guys why loose your venom on someone so fucking FUNNY? Eddie Izzard is FUNNY - no two ways about it.

I saw
I saw Creature from the Black Lagoon in a theater a couple of years ago, in 3-d. It was SOOOOOOOO BBOOOOORRRRRIIIIIINNNGGGG. Boring boring boring.

@fish - totally. I HATED the security guard, but then he kinda does a 180 and turns out to not be a total bastard and you kinda start to respect him towards then. I think it was really clever of them to do that because so many times you're watching horror movies just to see the characters you hate die. But DotD turns

@Pooperscooper - I had a friend who worked on Red-Eye and I don't think it was supposed to be about 9/11. I think that's just your interpretation. Not all airplane movies need to be about 9/11.

Sometimes there'll be a couple weeks where the articles just don't inspire me to say much. That's how it's been lately.

Another vote for The Descent being an awesome fucking movie full of ownage. But I'm feeling a little defensive about my favorite genre so here's my little 2 cents:

I feel like if you are a person who just completely dismisses the NoES sequels then you're not a real horror fan. There's a lot to love in the sequels: