Dr. Venkman PhDs

Wow - people sure are being dick munchie today.

I don't understand your ire. What I was saying is that - of course the slasher genre belongs to the classics like Halloween, etc. But the Scream movies are responsible for a lot of what we see now in terms of the knowing, winking, tongue in cheek kind of thing in horror movies currently. Not to mention of the

@lurker - oh I get all that. House of Style was the shizzle of course. I question WHY IN THE NAME OF JEEBUS does anyone watch it nowadays. I really wonder? Is it the trainwreck factor?

My cat plays fetch. So I don't understand what you mean.

I usually read through the comments
But today I don't feel like it so here's my two cents: Wes Craven deserves your respect. His movies *created* the horror genre we live with today - especially the Scream movies.

Also, can someone please tell me - in all honesty - why anyone watched MTV?

I also have not heard of Hell Date but I have definitely been on one and hope to see it on DVD in the future.

Yup I still get hungry when I see it. Mmmm, delicious chocolate glazed donut……

@Green bm - thank you! That's what I was saying. So many people have a bunch of kids and then say things to me like "Oh my god! You don't have responsibilities like I do." "I never sleep!" "I have to spend all my time/money/life on my kids and YOU WON'T HELP ME OR UNDERSTAND!!!". The thing is - if you want to have

Embarrassing Larry the Cable Guy related story:

Obviously I meant *not* nearly as flawed…

I'm not a MM apologist but it's funny how some people claim to expect a perfect "airtight" argument to be presented by a *filmaker* - an artist with a story to tell but not their GOVERNMENT.

@Ziskeit - thanks for mentioning that. I read the short story by Akiyuki in my Japanese history class in college. We also had to watch GOtF afterward - it's interesting to look at the story and the movie not just as sad stories but as a story of a family (since it sort of really happened) and all of the guilt that was

No babies for me, but I'm curious - why is it your parents' job to help you with the babies you decided to have? I mean, they're not the ones who decided to have grandchildren - presumably. So why should they have to spend their golden years looking after your soft-headed spawn?

@littlealex - don't turn down your volume - you've nothing to be ashamed of!

@phel I'm fully in support of a support group.

Yay! A "perhaps". I'll stop posting my incredible idea on all your articles now.

I agree. I fucking hate Ron Howard. AD is very good - but not good enough to give RH a pass for life.

Actually I just read that So I Married an Axe Murderer flopped at the box office so I think, Nabin, you should also write up SIMAAM for Flops. Ideas!

The plural of MILF is MILF - like the poster above said - like "moose". Because Mother I'd Love to Fuck and Mothers I'd Love to Fuck are both MILF. People can figure it out from the context.