Dr. Venkman PhDs

She smelled like soup

Nabin - I left this suggestion in another thread but I believe that you should cover Dirty Work for your next Flops entry.

Excuse me all of you above, but SIMAAM is a fine movie. But MM in Wayne's World was *amazing*. I remember I saw the film when I was 11, I came home from the theater, got my sister and went directly back to the theater and watched it again. (And yes, I've seen it since, I own it and it still holds up).

In the future you'll care whose ass it was and WHY it was farting!

"There will be no more insolence!"

walk home clown!

@phel I'm your age (little older) and I LOVE board games. It's actually really hard for me to find people to play with. Cranium, it goes without saying, is the best of all board games (and euchre the best of all card games - but that's neither here nor there) but I even tried to start a Facebook group for Portlanders

This was weird
And normally I would let this article pass me by while I furrowed my brow quizzically. HOWEVER, this morning I awoke with a great idea for Nabin.

I have PhDs in Psychology *and* Parapsychology. So suck it.

I'm never fond of the folks that read Inventories and are then subsequently outraged by the absence of something they think should have been on the Inventory.

Whoops. Guess I should have read the other comments first.

Thank you!
Thank you AVC for putting this on your site - otherwise I would have missed it. I was so incredibly sad when DFW died and a lot of that was thinking I'd never read anything new from him again. This is wonderful news.

@Major - you made me spit (so to speak) Smart Water through my nose.

I love Mal but don't think he's hot. I was actually hot and bothered for Oz when he was dating Willow. Oh I could have tamed his werewolf ways - I know it. Now though, I think Oz is gross and I don't really like Robot Chicken.

My Most Valuable Pop-Cultural Possesion
is a framed Undead poster that I bought at a 98 Undead show. It's signed by Bobby Steele and hand-numbered. It has the place of honor above the TV.


It totally pisses me off when Netflix does that. My feeling is that - if I could conceivably go to any Blockbuster video and rent the movie in question then Netflix should fucking have it.

When I read Umberto Eco I feel like I'm reading Baudrillard.

@ba I do that too. Also, I'll read re-read something that I just lent to someone just to read it again from what I think might be their perspective.

We call it LPS around here.