Dr. Venkman PhDs

@joannem…I disagree with you as usual. I LOVE this movie, as stated in my first post (retroactive ninja firstie!) but Jackson's other films are nothing to sniff at and I certainly wouldn't call them immature unless I was a stodgy old fart.

It depends. I feel like Russians and Russian literature are/is totally inscrutable. If you like the genre though you'll like the book.

Horribly? Or *sexily*?

One of my favorites
Great write up - the best part of the movie is the Orson Welles part.

Especially if you fuck them in the back. The tramp stamped girls that is.

For coma/meditation purposes

@partdavid - that's the same way I heard/read The DaVinci Code. The best two things about the audio book: ALL of the voices are done by a man including Sophie's. When it's time to be Sophie the reader puts on this hilarious falsetto so that my road trip companions and I were laughing the whole way to wherever.

@Ellie - I'm a huge re-watcher. I belong to goodreads.com and my friends always ask me why I haven't updated - if maybe I'm not reading anything right now. But it's just that I'm reading something I've already read a few times. David Foster Wallace and David Rakoff get a lot of play at my house.

There's a fucking amazing movie store in Portland called Movie Madness. Aside from having every single movie ever made (including the made for TV movie Buried Alive starring Jennifer Jason Leigh) it also has a little museum inside that has the model used for the outside of the buildings in Blade Runner AND

Ooh. Thanks!

I agree with the poster up above. I think there are really good *and* escapist movies. (::cough:: Ghostbusters ::cough::). One problem is though this whole irony thing that's been happening for the last 10-15 years or so.

My friend was in the Men's room in a theater in Chicago. It was during the time that that Amanda Bynes movie was out where she pretends to be a boy so she can play soccer on a boys team. (I never saw it either). Anyway, that's the synopsis.

I have that problem in music. It's hard for me to pick up new music because I like to listening to music I know the words to. That's why Deadguy and Endeavor and the Misfits are still on heavy rotation even though I've been listening to them for the last 18 years.

Is Butterfly like Papillon? Are they the same movie?

@Schiels - I was born in Toledo OH and I know what you mean. It's easy to forget that when you live in a city that not everyone is into bad things ironically. Millions and millions of people LOVE horrible, horrible stuff.

Thank you!
"There's something lulling and soothing about genre mediocrities, movies that immerse us in the comforting, familiar realm of cliches and conventions."

I was laughing at Alan Keyes up there.

I think you're a fine modern gentleman.

Small eyes, like a shrimp

Do you not see the difference between using machines to do jobs and robots literally taking over union jobs? Because it's a pretty big fucking difference.