Dr. Venkman PhDs


Agreed. I think I probably know every episode by heart. My favorite is when Edina is fat (the ep. is called Fat) and her thin nemesis comes to visit her. The whole ep. is just fat jokes at Edina's expense. Hilarity!

D'ya like Baileys? It's c-creamy…

Oh no!

Agreed on Darkplace. It has a lot of the same folks from the Mighty Boosh on there. Like Sabu.

I take exception to your Boosh Bashing
I just want to say that after growing up w/ Ab Fab and other British classics, I jumped right into The Mighty Boosh with both feet. And it's my favorite show in the history of ever.

I, Robot - I liked. But I was literally dragged into the theater to see it, kicking and screaming for the following reason:

Nope. Just that he really likes condiments.

Not the BEES! My EYES!

D'oh! I was confusing Sherman's March and 51 Brich St. because I watched them on the same night. It sounds like 51 Birch St.

Tell me what it is. Mine doesn't work…

I went to see Son in Law with a friend when I was a little one. It was sold out so we had to see Weekend at Bernie's II. Even then I knew it was retarded

Good one @churcy! I 2nd Chester and Willy.

One of the 1st things my boyfriend bought me when we got together was a Weekend at Bernies II pin. Best. Present. Ever.

Stand by Me is IN the Inventory.

I had an awesome teacher whose name was Mr. Bogusz (like bogus) and he was so good that I tired to contact him later to tell him but I can't find his contact information anywhere. It's a bummer because he was a bad-ass teacher.

@Bogey. You were my Honors English teacher weren't you?

In high-school I listened to HxC and Punk and I was Straight-Edge and I wore Xs on my hands and went to HxC shows.

John Wayne was a Nazi. He liked to play SS.

@Anarchy in the Yukon - Thank you for the most concise, accurate and compelling reason newspapers are important!