Dr. Venkman PhDs


God, I expected more miserable and suicidal HS experiences on this site. Instead it's a bunch of jocks; "I lettered in this and I played this and I had AP blah blah".

Wow. It's weird to see so many Republicans with raging angry hard-ons running rampant on this board. That's definitely not something you see everyday.

It sounds like Sherman's March actually.

OH. I would totally rock an AS wedding dress. I wonder how much they cost…

Agreed. I love him and won't stand for any "He's fake/stupid for passing up the contract." What's he supposed to do? He goes through with it - he gets fucked. He says no - jerks on the interweb talk about how he was just trying to get play. So yeah, damned either way.

The Hitchiker too?? This is the best day of my life.

Yes! And the brains land in a bowl of fruit. Fucking awesome.

Thanks. Off I go to rent the movie.

So the consensus is : media = white slavers?


The only bad thing was that the intro was so much scarier than the show most of the time.

Speaking of line-ups: the best line up was in the 80s on USA I think. It was The Hitchhiker, Friday the 13th: The Series, Ray Bradbury's Theater, and something else - The Darkside? Does anyone else remember this?

Yes! Thank you for reminding me about that. The DS Movie was awesome. I'm off to Netflix

I used to get so much mail from Hofstra when I was applying to Law School (when you apply to Law School and you have good grades/LSAT scores, schools will "invite" you to apply).

Can someone tell me (yes I've heard about this "Google" thing) if the episode where the guy sees the giant gargoyle and the gargoyle tells him to never tell and then he meets a lady and they fall in love and one night he tells her about the gargoyle and then she says (in a super fucking memorably scary way) "I told

Let's talk about…
whether we think Jessica Simpson is really fat or is just a normal sized person now and the media are all a bunch of slavering, double-standard pushing, nincompoops.

Thank you!
…for throwing DJ Assault some love. You might have added his awesome hit "Ponytail" to the list ("You got that ponytail, ponytail, ponytail") - which, BTW, is a song that made me laugh very hard and that my friends and I subsequently made the theme song to our annual BootyQuake Memorial Day BBQ.

Quit hating on cats. And PW, the above poster is correct in that you should introduce the animals to each other from behind a closed door. Let them sniff at each other through the door.

I agree that this broad needs a kick in the lap. But the only reason people are up-in-arms about her and not the fucking Duggars - even though the Duggars are bat-shit-crazy Quiverfull people - is that this lady is single. If she had a husband, everyone would say "Oh, isn't life precious??"