
He's great. Just saw him in Skull Island as well.

A show about regular people living under an extinction level asteroid event is what I want. Give me a show based around The Last Policeman trilogy please.

I love you, AV Club, but why oh why is this a post. I guess I've hoisted myself on my own clickbait petard by posting here, so whatever.

Folks have talked about the real-life chemistry between the leads lending depth to the wedding scene - I really liked the quiet moment when P&E put their rings away in the electric box safe. The way they gazed lovingly/respectfully at each other felt very real to me.

After the diary reveal there's an even chance the good pastor dies on the way back to his home planet.

He's the Russian Robert Urich!

Better than another season of 'where's Henry?' throwaway lines.

It was momentous just bc this is the first time Paige has seen her folks engaged in actual spycraft.


This whole study comes off as douchey, of course, but there's something to be said about making some effort in looking presentable. Cargo shorts are a low-effort look, though if you don't care about attracting some 25-year-old cutie who works in HR, then go with God and be comfortable as you'd like. Just don't

Summers in my necka the woods are hot and humid, so if I'm out and about running errands I'm damn sure going to wear them. Though I do try to avoid shorts at all times in social situations.

Fandoms suck.

And one or all of those will still come out before Winds of Winter heyoooooo!

She's probably a big, hairy 45-year-old Ukrainian man. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

Good luck with that.

This was like a whole episode of Marge Gunderson meeting Mike Yanagita. Kind of fun in a off-kilter Coen-y way, but I'm ready to get back to the meat of the story.

Henry: The Write-Offening

If we ever get the full ka-tet, I imagine 'honk mufuh' will not be part of Odetta's lexicon…I hope.

OK i'm down with this, and an eight-episode series will cut out some of that Marvel bloat from past series. What Marvel villain is Weaver playing?

I'm guessing it's just Easter eggs for King fans rather than some shared universe. Nor do I think Pennywise would advertise :)