
That was a rough way to go, though. I felt sorry for him, not for his death, but how utterly alone he was in the grip of his guilt/mental illness.

You could see this trainwreck coming down the track from the countless trailers aired during the NBA playoffs. I like Cruise as an action star, but not even he can save a giant floating head over London.

Wow, I watched the clip a few times and didn't see a hitch. Pretty cool!

But when he says it, it's cute.

Was that pratfall real? No cutaways or camera tricks that I noticed. Odenkirk bumped like Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania. Most impressive!

My honest condolences on both the break-up and having to watch a double bill of second-tier superheroes fight sentient charcoal briquettes.

What brought you to theater for the second time, if I may?

That's on the lighter side of modern blockbuster run-time. The new Transformers movie is 3hrs, 2mn, which is nothing less than maniacal.

You have to read between the words.

I don't want that kid anywhere near poor Kimmy.

Does it really matter, though? Is this single screening (or two screenings) going to set some horrific precedent we can't foresee? Imagine someone shutting down the screening on the basis of this law. I can't imagine someone pulling such a dick movie, either.

It's called virtue signalling now, you mutt. It's also the center square on your Internet Douche bingo card, so get cracking.

Miller will show up with his ticket and a GoPro strapped to his head - think Al Franken's old SNL reporter character, but even more annoying.

Go to the Y two towns over instead.

'Bigger and more badass' is usually the way action sequels go, so I'm glad the creators are at least making the attempt to rein that in.

Yes, was going to recommend the Carlin podcast for his dramatic readings alone.

This was the easiest delay call of any game set to come out this year.

Jimmy's breakdown had enough truth behind it to seem halfway sincere - it was a scam but the emotion wasn't total fabrication. That twisted grimace on Jimmy's face upon leaving communicated as much. Satisfaction and self loathing all wrapped up.

Honestly, that's the only memorable part of the book.

There's a scene from Let The Right One In - I'm talking about the novel, now - that made me very nauseous. I had not been feeling well that day and was reading the book while sitting on the toilet. The part where Eli drinks a teenager's blood after slicing open the crook of his arm w/ a razor got me on my knees in