
Thinking about it, my real problem here is the lack of mystery. There's the Tower exploding, there's the villain, there's the final fight between light and dark. Trailers these days are pretty good barometers of the finished product, at least in tone. I want to be optimistic, but there's nothing here that makes me

My dream team for a DT series would be Frank Darabont/Vince Gilligan. Darabont gets King like no other - rewatched The Mist the other day, and damn is it good.

It's been literal decades, but high school me liked how bonkers the book was. I never want to read Tommyknockers again, though, because boring, grown-up me would probably think it sucks.

The lack of - I don't know- gravitas/depth/weight is extremely evident. The 'It' reboot looks far more interesting than this

Goldsman's involvement gives me bad vibes - they want an action movie with stylish gunplay and an easy-to-digest conflict, and the trailer seems to indicate that. I'm just not feeling it.

For some reason I thought Goldsman was off the project once Ron Howard walked. Making this a direct conflict between Roland and MIB is especially disappointing, b/c in book land it's Roland himself who's the cause of most of his misery. But as you state, this is a movie and you got to have that binary conflict -

It is a sequel of sorts, and I have no problem with them ripping out some of the source material. What i'm not loving is the lack of heart emanating from this here trailer.

Can't say it any better than this - the way the ka-tet comes together over the course of the series is what makes the books. Obviously you couldn't do that over a two-hour movie - DT would be better served as a Netflix/HBO series.

Hoo boy - The difficulty here is taking King's big ideas about family, grief and loneliness , and distilling them into some two-hour amalgam of action/sci-fi schlock. I really REALLY want this to work, but making some Matrix-y shit without Roland's ka-tet - ya know, the emotional core of the whole series- has me

I love the series, but it's wildly erratic in quality - and I did not like the meta switcheroo of 5 and 6, at all. Killed the magic for me. But then 7 came and the last 200 pages are some of the best stuff King has ever written IMO. Just totally clicked with me.

MM looks like he's modeling apocalypse chic at Paris Fashion Week.

One of us! One of us!

That's the litmus test right there - also not being embarrassed yourself to watch a segment with a non fan.

It wouldn't be a terrible idea for folks to scroll down a tad to make sure the point hasn't already been made 80 times, yes.

Long dead, I thought, which is why Gus hates Hector so much. The bullet to the head comment doesn't make sense otherwise.

Pretty much everyone in Walt's life underestimated him.

Or Kane

I'm glad to have Claudia back, as the brinksmanship between her and Elizabeth is always compelling. I swear Elizabeth didn't blink when Claudia brought up Paige.

Henry's got friends
And that's a fact
One's a girl
And the other's black

If you're coming from Pats' country than Chautauqua is out of your way. About an hour south from Buffalo.