
Indeed - if you're ever in Chautauqua County, NY, check out Schuyler's Country Kitchen, and get yourself some oatmeal.

Spit if she's lucky.

Apollo appears on the main show so rarely, I tend to forget that he can really go. He's a ball of energy out there and has a pretty cool finisher. An enforcer role would be good for him, I agree.

The dumpster spot took forever to set up without much payoff. It's possible Braun was trying to flip the thing, but physics intervened. Cole solemnly selling the three-foot drop like a horrible tragedy didn't help matters.

I'm not all that invested in the Mike/Gus dealings, considering the prequel nature of BCS, etc etc. Seeing their relationship evolve as they actually work together should be fun, but Jimmy's story is far more compelling to me.

Dawson has been my favorite aspect of the Netflix MCU run. The more the merrier, says I.

Some sort of catharsis, probably not dissimilar to being a comedian and opening up emotionally to huge crowds while on stage.

I clicked the link thinking this was Japanese Boy by Aneka, which also came out around this time - and was a staple on the GTA: Vice City soundtrack.

I enjoyed her gamely trying on that 'Trixie' voice.

I can certainly see this banking big bucks overseas, especially if there's some new bells and whistles in terms of CGI Cameron can talk up.

Even with the boffo box office at the time, is Avatar some well-loved nostalgia piece for millennials or something? Like, who give a shit about this movie now?

Chinese Blueocracy…that's all I've got at this moment.

It was the weakest premiere of the three, though it's up against strong competition. The idiot criminal formula is getting some moss on it, maybe, because even with Winstead tuchus that final scene with Maurice lacked spark.

Well hell, I may have to dive back into the books again. I did not finish Caliban's War as I felt it dragged, but I'm willing to give it a revisit.

Mahal should have laid Orton out. Give the guy something fer crissakes.

The spy stuff has always come second in terms of what draws me to the show. TBH I don't know what mission P & E are on half the time, I'm there for the character interactions.

Would have been nice of Gabriel to expound a tad on that earth-shaking meteor of an opinion.

'He's not here.' Poor Henry doesn't even get name recognition anymore.

To echo some commenters here, I find the Mike stuff a good deal less compelling than Jimmy v Chuck with a side of Kim. The slow pull back to the Los Pollos sign, the silent stalking of the courier by Mike, it's all nicely told but getting in the way of story beats that are still in the dark for BB fans.

*nerd alert* Philip's uncanny valley beard looked like it was created in an RPG character select screen.