
This show was never going to wrap up its plot points in a neat package…and I thought the throughline was pretty clear, that is how a fucked up legal system impacts those caught up in it. Weiss had her doubts, too, if her thousand yard stare during her final statement to the jury is any indication. Weiss jumping off

I think yes. There's improvements to be made story-wise -thought I very much liked most of what the Duffer Bros dished out - and a whole wide Upside Down to explore. Hell, most shows with this type of mythology/world-building don't even hit their stride til season 2, e.g. Buffy or X-Files.

Where in this article does the author call those against the trailer sexist?

How is this possible, when all media produced in the last decade is either transcendent or worse than the plague?

Excellent! More bad wigs and intrigue. More, I say! Hang those who talk of less!

I liked the first season, though i wondered what they would do without Mendelsohn as a living presence. I'll still give S2 a whirl, regardless.

I see you working.

Bloodline S2 coming up Friday, too. Loved the first season. The show is wackadoo and pulpy but has a great ensemble cast.

He's OK, but I expected something more outre, not just a guy talking about his cock. He did casually ice his brother and admit to it, so that's something.

Anyone else a bit disappointed by Euron? Not saying he has to match his book appearance, but he just seems like another scarified reaver type, though lacking that extra crazy-man charisma I expected from the character.

I'm more interested to know that Magneto wears a cock for a hat.

You mean show an uncircumcised penis? Yep they went there.

You awful, awful man.

That child of the forest should have said 'You were always an asshole, Bran.'

A looooong jacket.

But does anyone take a selfie?

Not with two-thirds of the film reportedly taking place in modern times. What's the bloody point?!

Armageddon is Bay's best film. The humor is not quite as grating or juvenile as his other movies, and some of the action sequences are quite good.

That's the question, though: Have his films truly influenced the industry? Bay's brand of big-budget idiocy is not really being replicated today. There's the Fast n Furious films, which I've not seen, but I don't hear of them being spoken of in the same breath as Bay's oeuvre. Marvel films usually have smart

In my younger years - well like 3 years ago- I thought Bay was the worst thing to happen to movies, and was at least 20 percent responsible for the dumbing down of society, etc. But my eyes have been opened as of late. Bay makes movies for teenage boys and that's just fine. There's no artifice to the guy, no