
I thought it might be CGI trickery like with the walk o' shame last year

Her death felt a bit wasteful to me.Like we need yet another example of Ramsay's cunning? Though I guess they weren't going to repeat the bedwarmer bit they did with Osha at Winterfell/Theon.

Yeah but that was before she made fun of them and stuff.

Justin Hawkins should sue!

I'm a born and raised Clevelander/die hard sports fan and skipped this tonight. I was at a wedding and had a few friends texting me about the misery. I don't see the point in reveling in a tale I know by heart. We Clevelanders are all too eager to stew in our woes, and damned If I'ma be a party to that!

We didn't need to see the dogs attack Walda and her baby, though I thought it was necessary to at least show Ramsay bring her to the kennels. Have him say his line about wanting to be an only child, then whistle for the dogs. End the scene right there without the gratuitous flesh-tearing sounds.

This has been discussed I'm sure but why would Davos- who has seen the abominations caused by and done in the name magic - be the one to come up with the idea to raise Jon? That was a little jarring to me. Unless the show is setting up the power couple of - wait for it- MelBivDavos!

Yes, she was charming in Friends.

/tugs braid

I thought this story was going to be about some of the fan reaction to Hemsworth's dopey hunk character.

This is the first I've heard of the bit, and I find it fascinating in a number of ways - Crystal's mugging, catchphrase-dropping, 'terlets' and 'mockingboids.' Didn't he have anyone around to tell him, 'Don't do this, man?'

There's not enough payoff/explanation of the Hand stuff, unless I missed something: As in what the hell does the Hand want? What's Black Sky? What's the deal with the giant hole and the zombie kids? All of that is left for what I'm assuming is S3.

Don't know how far we're going into spoiler-town, but the biggest disappointment of this season was the lack of any real connection of the two main stories. Matt's ninja fight needed more Punisher, not just Frank showing up at the last minute with a sniper rifle then sauntering away forever.

Maybe just nuke that pun from space.

Mark could have been a bit gentler on that hug. Just sayin.

Yeah, let's not get nuts here.


Depends on the group. I know a few die-hards who would keep their yaps shut during showtime.

Don't forget the chocolate malteds!

How about throwing Chester A. Arthur a bone?