
Where's Patton Oswalt to school us about accepting such razor sharp comedic insight?

I had to laugh at Will explaining the situation to Molly: "My super-villain murder husband sent the psychotic serial killer to the house to kill you guys. Sorry 'bout that."


When she was hiding under the porch the shadows made it look like she was holding a rifle or shotgun in one hand. I was surprised when she wasn't.

I'm not sure if we need D's backstory..personally i find evil 'just being' more interesting than creating some elaborate reason for it.

So what the hell is this about? Lady about to be hanged and her captor spend a night in a cabin. Why do these other strangers care? Bounty money? Help me!

Yeah it's not a big deal…but the rest of the episode was so good, that one little bit o' dissonance stood out all the more.

I loved hearing Arabesque No. 1 during the scene with Reba and Mr. D. There's a lovely synth version that used to introduce the old PBS Stargazer show…good ol Jack Horkheimer.

That's the only scene that didn't land for me tonight. More so the coincidence of Will visiting the museum at the exact same time as Francis.

Well that was the best episode of the season. Bedelia zinging Will was wonderful.

True, sadly.

As long a I can get my '11 gifts to get you laid' articles i can deal with this obvious SJW pandering!

That's it, man. You'll be pulling 10s in no time!

No way you'll get kino with that line. Negging's the one and only way to go.

Having not seen any of these I'm halfway interested in entering the Sharknado universe. However, it's more of a joy to watch a sincere failure (The Room, for example) than a film trying so hard to be idiotic schlock it puts one's teeth on edge (Looking at you, Kung Fury).

Krieger's more Doof Warrior than the Doof Warrior is.

But Superman doesn't kill, he and Batman's conflict is ideological more than…oh wait.

It's hard to look beyond the Morgan episodes, as I love 'Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose' oh so much.

Though too many people mistake an attitude of 'Hey, let's talk about this' for hand-wringing outrage. Nobody here is calling anyone a privileged shitlord, nor are they directing commenters to their tumblr page. We're just talking, yo.

Are you talking about the commentariat or the site itself? The JW/Sexism debate was a thing - nothing wrong with exploring the subject in an even-minded, non-outraged fashion.