
I still believe the core mystery to be interesting enough to keep tuning in, especially in a short episode run, but this season has too many tinfoil-bitingly painful scenes. That Paul-Ma tête-à-tête was awful and I felt bad for both actors.

The show could be interesting if it cranks up the Eyes Wide Shut weirdness of Caspere's lifestyle. But there's too much shit going on otherwise and too many characters to keep up with. Shame as the core mystery has potential.

I liked how the other cop actually said, 'amirite?!'

They should get Pizzolatto on this instead.

The best of Marvel's movies have concentrated on character over world-saving chaotic action. I'll be seeing this movie film.

Stop comparing things to things, celebrities. No metaphors, no similes, and watch your gerunds while you're at it.

The trailer was fun, which surprised me. Even Prodigy Joker looks like it has potential if they Leto go completely loopy with it.

"Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?"

The dialogue snipped the author of the piece posted is something else. As a struggling writer I'm all for learning from the success of others, so seeing Cline's not exactly Proustian prose selling millions gives me hope that my drivel can garner similar traction among the reading public!

To be fair, the Eragon guy had his parents hanging over him with a riding crop. 5,000 words a day or he tasted studded leather.

It would have worked if the hook up was shown on screen, then we can see Paul breaking down and being true to himself. What we actually saw felt like a cop out.

The opening scene with Paul threw the entire episode off kilter for me. His internal struggles are this huge plot point and suddenly he's in Miguel's bed. When the reporters approached him about Black Mountain I thought it was going to be a dream sequence.

The last thing "gamers" need these days is another masturbatory power fantasy. And this is coming from someone who loves video games. Stop catering to us, it's not good for anyone involved.

Pazzi had been bought out by Verger to capture Hannibal - it was suggested (I think by Mason himself) that the a good portion of the Florence police force was also under Verger's employ. The scene with Bedelia and the italian investigator fella further emphasized this situation. She likely told the mustached fellow

stryker agrees ;)

Graham will still be the one to bring Hannibal in.. following the inevitable bloodbath at Muskrat Farm, of course. The show set up the dynamic just last episode with Jack's 'you should be the one' line. I have no doubt we're still headed down that path, even with the Verger detour.

"Supersize me," she said with icy hauteur.

Is it established in canon that Hannibal has those abilities? Though I am aware of his almost supernatural control of his own heart rate, etc, during dire situations. I too didn't understand what will was up to when he pulled the knife in public like that, other than to set up his shooting by Chiayo.

Weird angled close-ups of Bedelia dumping Ramen noddles into a pot on a hotplate.

I can see Kinnear in there, and now I may not be able to unsee him! Though like as not I'll just have one more episode to worry about that.