
All the grotesque imagery and gore this show revels in, and it's a close-up of a needle pricking the skin that makes me close my eyes. Gah.

I'm assuming we'll get a scene next week of Verger's bought police force busting in and rolling up Will and Hannibal. Though that transition at the end was indeed jarring.

I'm enjoying the hell out of Anderson's take on Verger, particularly, as you point out, the sardonic twist he puts on his words. This is a guy having the most fun he can in his situation, and it's great.

Perlman still needs to apologize for the second movie. Oh ho!

I would be more into BvS's dark tone if Snyder's fists weren't made of hams.

We can have our boring, navel-gazing movies right along the bombastic, pseudo-philosophical action schlock. What an age we live in!

A contemplative ending is not what I expected, but after sleeping on it I appreciate how Justified wrapped things up. Maybe I should have known this show would have gone out all quiet like instead with a boom.

Hey now!

That seems more likely as non-readers don't know or care about Rattleshirt. And it would explain how "Mance" went to the fire gallows without protest.


Not much to say to this but, Yuuup!

Tyrion riding a pig or GTFO!

Would kind of hate to see Mance go out like this, but Jon giving him mercy in such dramatic fashion seems to indicate there's no magic afoot.

There's a portion of angry nerdom that likely feels betrayed by Whedon, as in 'hey, I though he was one of us!'

Is this going to be another origin story, then? If the MCU drops in on an already irradiated Peter, that would be much more palatable.

It's shitty writing.

Best part of this was the Video Nasty-style voiceover. "People with heart conditions should exit the premises immediately."

It's more complicated than Chuck disliking Jimmy. Marco was full of of shit on that score; he just wanted Jimmy to stay in Cicero. Chuck may have contempt for his brother, but he still loves him.

It's easy to be hypnotized by Boyd's folksy banter, but the man's a cold-eyed killer. I've been halfway rooting for him for most of the series, but I hope he gets taken down, one way or the other.

Something something they were all in limbo the whole time.