
This week was such a tonal ramp-down from last week, and it didn't help the drawn out scenes had varying degrees of effectiveness. I'm still trying to understand Jimmy's change of heart. To echo the thoughts of a few others here, it seems like the way Marco's life had turned out would serve as a caution about getting

Well 90s music does suck, unlike 80s music, where every song produced and recorded was uniformly great!

If Gaiman comes out again with his nonsense I'm going to choke slam him to hell!

I was thinking about that, but at this point I don't care anymore. Book Six isn't out for at least a year which means Dream of Spring won't be arriving before 2020.

As a fellow procrastinating writer I feel your pain. Just got to get off the internet and power through, then treat yourself to the spirit of your choice upon completion.

Agreed though i was hoping they'd leave the 'Gordon Shumway' joke unanswered.

I haven't played games with friends since GoldenEye couch co-op. ,Not too interested in teaming up with randos for games, but did have a ton of fun helping people beat bosses in Dark Souls 2.

Been on a massively slow slow-burn of Dragon Age: Inquisition and will likely continue that journey over the weekend. Also have my eye on Dying Light, but going to hold off til DA:I is done. Have a feeling if I stopped playing Dragon Age for something else, I'd never go back.

Are you thinking about using the Morrowind overhaul mod? It looks fantastic, though I can't get it to run at 60 fps on my current PC.

It's a kind of magic.

i was triggered by both Rogen and Kid Rock, so fuck them both!

No love for the Ghostbusters reference? Spot on delivery by Benjamin there.

Spacey was more out of place in that movie than Routh, I thought. Routh is plenty serviceable but for whatever reason Spacey's brand of smarm did not fit Lex.

Jeez louise i've been catching up on the show these last few months and this my first AV Club review. I was all ready to sing the show's praises with the community here and I see a pantload of complaining comments. C'mon, now! This show's pretty great and the acting is more than competent…even if I think Roy's dull as

Once he started speechifying about the old times it seemed his character had come to the end of his road. There was nowhere else for poor Dewey to go.

Dewey was the Mickey Doyle of Justified's world. Oh Dewey, you were so close!

A 24-style 8-ep mini-revival is something I'd get behind in a quick second. Would not want to see anything beyond that, however.

Can't stand that kind of film-making, hurt the Bourne films and Nolan's Batman flicks both. H-wood needs to take a page from Gareth Evans, who's crafted some of the best action scenes I've seen in years in his Raid movies.

The voice mail trolling always makes me laugh. If Archer's going to keep a running joke,may it be that one.

Roose is an ice cold pragmatist at heart. His "evil" actions have purpose.