
Glotka was so interesting because he was a "Jaime" who essentially got turned into a "Tyrion." He was always questioning his actions ('Why do i do this?' is something he asks himself more than once) but it seemed his work as a torturer completed him.

Same here…was watching online with headphones so I had the sounds up close and personal.

I can take most fictionalized violence, but cannot abide more personalized, 'intimate' violence. Still cringe during Mellish's death scene in Saving Private Ryan. The boxcutter scene from Breaking Bad really got to me, too.

Dale had his stomach ripped open and it was shown very graphically.

The show does not generally treat in subtlety..so making the Thenns cannibals was less 'reveling in violence' than showing the Thenns were really, really bad and a villain to be despised.

So *that's* where your disposal income is coming from.

Musician biopics have returned? I thought the scathing parody 'Walk Hard' would have shamed Hollywood from ever making another one of these.

Go watch Downton Abbey, you ink-stained wretches!

'Pre-op shot?' Also love the book scene after Annie cuts off Sheldon's thumb, and she comes swooping into his bedroom with a cake decorated with candles and his severed thumb. Such wonderful horror comic-y madness that did not make it into the movie.

Full Dark No Stars is fantastic save that truck driver story I didn't like much. Very dark stuff.

Crichton's work also featured handy diagrams!

Did not love NOS4A2 myself…check out Horns, it's Joe Hill's best IMO.

I think the character talks like a 'yas massa' slave on purpose, though I've not read the book. King has a never-published story called 'The Plant' where a black character talks like that just for the hell of it.

I would not mind a trope-y ending if it ended with the Grimley clan (and Lou) safe and sound. I'd like to see Lester kill his personal boogeyman and either get caught or weasel his way out of the country.

No doubt…those words were definitely weighted..and didn't he print out a single Mexico ticket that said 'one way?'

The malevolent spirit vibe from Malvo is very similar to that of Anton Chigurh. Could see Malvo walking away from all this as Anton did.

That sexism then , not misogyny. Malvo doesn't hate women.

No bad dad list is complete without Glasvegas's 'Daddy's Gone.'

Walter's awesome and anyone who says otherwise is a blue piller beta!

I was very tense at times this episode, so good on Hawley and Co. (Was very worried for Lou) But..did not like how they made Linda such a passive dope. She doesn't question Lester's squirrely behavior, and covers for him for no apparent reason. Also don't love the Key and Peele characters..never seen their show but