
Don't think so. Her back was to Malvo when he fired.

I found the book poignant and sweet and rather surprisingly low on snark. Sure, Sestero made fun of Tommy, but he could not deny the hustle it took to get The Room made.

Whaat makes you zay that?

Who is playing Tommy, then? The elder Franco?

Your hair is winter fire
January embers
My heart burns there, too
Beep Beep Jon Snow!!

Stop with the logic and measured tone! You should be sending Todd death threats with the rest of us.

Made me think of the single-shot fight scene from The Protector.

Wanted to see the whole Wall chapter get closed tonight, inc the arrival of Stannis. By that reckoning the ending was a bit blah, but the action beforehand was pretty damned good.

I avoided the preview for next week but I can't wait to see how Lester tries to confront Malvo, or if he does. Yes the man made his life hell but wasn't Malvo also the catalyst behind Lester's alpha male transformation? Lester should be thanking him, if anything.

What's his take on he pan flute, I wonder?

I want to walk up to Tesco Vee and say, "You think you're so fucking cool, don't you? You think you're so *fucking* cool." Then he can thrown me into some whirling helicopter blades.

Was not aware they completed the Honey I Blew Up trilogy.

Hating Piano Man is the musical equivalent of saying that new Simpsons episodes suck. It's the lowest hanging of pop culture fruit.

Indie douche hates middle-of-the-road mega-hit shocker. More at 11.

They have to do the full reveal..massive water-cooler moment for a show that does not do half-assed or subtle for that matter.

No reason why the LS reveal couldn't still be at the end of Ep.10.

If this ends with Sansa killing LF, I want his last words to be, "You tricked me with a ruse so hackneyed, it would make Stan Lee blush!"

Suppose I could google this but was King Slender in the U.S. version of NES Pro Wrestling? Don't remember him and I played that game obsessively.

You just know one of the women on the journey is going to be pregnant.

Oberyn should have just hit the leg drop after the big boot put the Mountain down.