
Got to end with LS..that'll have fans talking all off-season..my only question is will it be Brienne or that random Frey meeting her. The show is not exactly subtle so I can see that plot point being moved up for dramatic punch.

Although unlike a Bond villain he expected the Mountain to talk, *then* die.

What castle were the Boltons heading toward in that final shot?

Yeah you don't need much set-up with Qyburn to make his Frankenstein monster. He already said he was kicked out of the Citadel for doing his experiments.


Boobage with purpose tonight, ladies and gents. Nothing to complain about here!

The foley guys really have that *squick* sound down when some poor sap's soft body is folded, spindled and mutilated. Knew what was coming with Obey and it was still worse than expected. Fuck that!

From what I understand Jordan spends 5 pages in Crossroads of Twilight describing someone drawing a bath.

Everyone knows the worst Bruce song is 52 Channels (And Nothin' On).

Yeah the game's not perfect but the melee combat gets really fun once you get the hang of it. Really, I would have been fine if the shooting was ditched entirely for hand-to-hand fights.

Play Sleeping Dogs, it's better than GTAV and can be had for half a groat these days.

The Dark Souls wiki is great just for learning how attributes work, or how to level up weapons. The game does nothing in this regard so don't feel like you're 'cheating.' Otherwise, I would suggest going into the gameplay as fresh as possible, staying away from how to beat bosses and so forth. I'm a late-comer to DkS

Risk aversion's a big part of so-called "AAA" game development. EA had a sales goal for Dead Space 3 of about 5M units in order for the franchise to be viable - hence the homogenized, generic action-focused gameplay far afield from the atmosphere-heavy first game.


Bedelia's not in her right mind, either, considering her admission of murdering one of her patients. And I really like the idea of her being terrified of Hannibal yet fascinated by his psychological profile..she'll now get to see him and study him 'in the wild.' I for one want to see how that plays out.

I got the sense Hannibal was mocking Alana's whispery tone. I loved the line and the delivery.

IGN has an interview with Fuller where he touches on what he'll do with SoTL material.

The Bedelia stuff sounds very intriguing for S3..wonder if she'll make it out of Hannibal's sphere of influence. As for who survives into next year, doesn't Fishburne have a new show coming out where he's a full-timer. I can see him dying over Alana, and Fuller has said that not everyone in that closing shot's gonna

Did Will take the bullets from Alana's gun?

That was a rough one and I cannot blame you for ditching out if that's your plan. The attack on Abigail was brutal, not something I needed to see before bedtime.