
Ah was just about to post the same thing! RLM's intricate dissection of Sandler's don't-give-a-fuckness is quite funny. It's hard to get too mad at the guy, though. His movies are easily ignore-able now that I'm out of college and every other person I know isn't watching BIlly Madison or Waterboy within earshot.

I'm no expert but their rivalry is pretty well spelled out in the comics. It's not like Supes is just going to punch Bats into the sun…they have philosophical differences more so than going toe to toe in physical fights.

I'd be rather pissed if Molly died. That's too bleak for even my already sort of bleak tastes.

Hey now! That's the league that's dirty not my Cavs! Blame Lebron and the Collusion Bunch for the sweetheart deal Stern gave Dan Gilbert.

I skim, peep the grade, then go to the comments. Secrets to a happier life, friend.

"These are the limits of your life, man…."

What Lester did was pretty misanthropic but that nephew of his is a little shit.

Yes, that bit made that scene one of the best of the season. So, so painful..

I think we'll get some kind of LS reveal this season, likely when the Frye gets hanged as in the end of SoS. LS and Brienne will meet next year.

Not trying to be a jerk-o here, but how is the Hound getting bit a big spoiler?

Because she's crazy and planned to throw Sansa out.

YouTube GoT threads are a sinkhole of spoilers..as are GoT-related articles on pop culture websites. Stay away, far away!

Don't know about 'soft spot' and I ain't being metaphorical here. LF lusts after Sansa, sure, and I'm certain he's also looking at what kind of power she could bring him, too. He cares about her in his way but he's also very selfish.

A necking scene wouldn't have had the same effect at Dany swinging her weight and telling Daario to get nekkid. Need to show where the power lies and having those two kids make out would not have been as effective.

Great review, Myles, but it's the end of fourth season, sir, not the third. (Didn't see this pointed out, so I'm helping out a brotha)

Belaboring the 'Only Cat' point, the showrunners trust viewers to remember who fecking Hot Pie is, but don't trust them to know Petyr's nickname for Catelyn?

I'd rather have Shagwell, to be honest. "I'm too *droll* to die.."

Oy is that mentioned in the newbies review? I shudder to look.

Nope wasn't calling you out, cuz I'm the same. Loved the scene, loved the line.

I may have guffawed when those titties showed up a second after the stunt ass.